War on Terror Project

  • Formation of Al-Qaeda

    Formation of Al-Qaeda
    Al Qaeda was established as a global terrorist organization by Osama Bin Laden
  • Bomb of the North Tower of World Trade Center

    Bomb of the North Tower of World Trade Center
    An important act of terrorism on American soil occurred on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb exploded in the World Trade Center's subterranean parking garage of the North Tower, killing six people and wounding over a thousand more. enhanced security measures and modifications to counterterrorism tactics were brought about by this incident, which also exposed weaknesses in domestic security and enhanced public awareness of the terrorist danger.
  • The attack on 9/11

    The attack on 9/11
    When 19 militants, mostly Saudi Arabian, of the Al-Qaeda terrorized the US with suicide attacks and airline hijacking. Behind the attacks was Khalid Sheik Muhammed. With 4 commericial planes being hijacked; two going into the twin towers and another going into the Pentagon. The last crashed in Shanksville, PA instead of of the Pentagon with the efforts of heroic citizens onboard.
    - 2819 killed
    - 343 firefighters or paramed dead
  • Period: to

    The War on Terror

  • Consent of President Bush

    Consent of President Bush
    President Bush was given the authority to use all necessary force against the people who were involved in the terrorist attacks of 9/11. In order to prevent further attacks in the future, there was a required enact of Authorization for Use of Military Force. On the other hand, September 14th, 2001, was declared a "National Day of Prayer and Remembrance" to remember and mourn all 3000 deaths from 3 days prior of the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
  • Invasion of Afghanistan

    Invasion of Afghanistan
    The war in Afghanistan starts which was dedicated to pushing back the terrorist organizations, Taliban and Al-Qaeda. The President had announced the military action into Afghanistan on Oct 7, 2001. The first attacks were targeted against terrorist training camps of Al-Qaeda and military installations of Taliban. Also, Coalition Allies and the US would provide humanitarian help to the citizens of Afghanistan.
  • The War in Iraq

    The War in Iraq
    This was a war fought between the US-led coalition and the regime led by Saddam Hussein. Due to the recent attacks on 9/11, President Bush thought that Iraq may have destructive weapons which was one drive to invade Iraq, in addition to their support for terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda. The goals were to topple Saddam Hussein's regime, promote democracy, take apart the Weapons of Mass Destruction that the Iraq had.