War on Terror - Joshua Lee

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    USSR invades Afghanistan

    The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1978 during the Cold War for power. Osama bin Laden and Arab Afghans fight against them. In 1988, the Soviet army left Afghanistan. Bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia and the US left, leaving behind their stinger anti-aircraft guns.
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    Iran-Iraq War

    Saddam Hussein, the president of Iraq, led his country into war against Iran. The US ended up giving support to both sides, worsening relationships.
  • Iraq invades Kuwait

    Iraq invades Kuwait
    In 1990, Iraq accused Kuwait of stealing from their oil fields by extracting diagonally into their territory. After receiving no help, they invaded Kuwait.
  • Operation Desert Shield

    Operation Desert Shield
    After Iraq invaded Kuwait, countries quickly set up forces to deter Iraq from attacking neighboring countries. Saudi Arabia asked for US assistance which angered Osama bin Laden, as he felt they had no place in the Holy land of Islam.
  • Persian Gulf War Begins

    Persian Gulf War Begins
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    Persian Gulf War

    Due to the invasion of Kuwait, the US, leading many other countries, attacked Iraq. The United Nations also placed sanctions on Iraq. Osama bin Laden and his group "al Qaeda" moved to Sudan.
  • Assistance in Somalia

    The US sent 28000 troops to Somalia in order to help as assistance was being blocked by warlords.
  • World Trade Center Bombed

    World Trade Center Bombed
    Pakistani national Ramzi Yousef bombs the parking garage of the World Trade Center killing six people and injuring more than 1000.
  • Al Qaeda Attacks

    Al Qaeda Attacks
    While in Somalia, 18 Americans were killed when they were shot down from their Black Hawk helicopters or in battles. The Somalis that shot down the helicopters were taught how to use the US stinger anti-aircraft guns by al Qaeda operatives.
  • Khobar Towers Bombed

    Khobar Towers Bombed
    A terrorist attack occurred where the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia were bombed, killing 19 American soldiers and injuring hundreds. Osama bin Laden also returned to Afghanistan during this time.
  • Al Qaeda declares War

    Al Qaeda declares War
    Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, leaders of Al Qaeda, declare war on the United States of America. The same year, they bombed two US embassies, simulatenously, in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 220 people.
  • The Millenium Attacks

    The Millenium Attacks
    While three terrorist attacks were attempted and failed, Al Qaeda managed to successfully send a suicide bomber in the USS Cole, killing 17 sailors.
  • 9/11

    On September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda sent out twenty terrorists to board four planes and take them hostage. One plane hit a field in Pennsylvania after the passengers fought against the terrorists. One plane hit the pentagon. Two planes hit the World Trade Center, killing 2819 people and placing the attack in history as the deadliest terrorist attack. On October 7, 2001, the War on Terror began.