War of the Worlds by Nelson Hill

  • The Triple Aliiance

    Otto Van Bismarck forms the Dual Alliance between GErmany and Austria--Hungary. Italy joins this alliance in 1881, forming the Triple Alliance.
  • The Triple Entente

    Russia forms a military alliance with France in 1892 and 1894. England, alarmed by Germany's naval fleet, joins the alliance forming the Triple Entente in 1907.
  • Assassination of an Heir

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie are shot and killed by 19 year-old Gavrilo Princip while visiting Saravejo, Bosnia. Princip was a member of the Serbian terrorist group Black Hand.
  • Declaration of War

    Austria, after rejecting Serbia's offer of appeasement, declares war on Serbia. Russia begins to mobilize it's army.
  • Germany v. Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia and implements the Schlieffen Plan.
  • Britain Enters the War

    Germany invades Belgium on their way to France, prompting Great Britain to join the war.
  • The U.S Enters the War

    The United States declares war on Germany due to unrestricted submarine warfare, the Zimmerman Telegram, and the Russian Revolution.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Russia signs a separate peace treaty with Germany
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Fearing an Aliied invasion of Germany, an armistice is signed, ending hostilities.
  • Affects of War

    The U.S retreats into Isolationism. Germany's economy is in ruins. Their military is halved, and they must pay steep war reperations.
  • The Roaring Twenties

    America was overdependent on production. Theree was a great divide between the rich and the poor.
  • Economic Despair

    After WWI, most of Europe fell into economic decline.
  • Black Tuesday

    The Stock Market crashes.
  • Withdrawal

    Once the stock market crashed, millions of Americans began to withdraw their money.They put thousands of banks in peril.
  • Foreign Defense

    Congress passes the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, steeply raising import duties in an attempt to protect American manufactures from foreign competition.
  • Joblessness

    The Committee for Unemployment Relief releases a report on unemployment showing that 4 to 5 million Americans are out of work.
  • No Money, Mo' Problems

    2,293 banks have closed.
  • The Rise of Hitler

    Adolf Hitler named Chancellor of Germany
  • F.D.R

    Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated into office as 32nd President of the United States. He immediately begins reforms to end the Great Depression.
  • Great Depression Effects

    Strict trading and banking regulations were put in place. THe government had an increased role in people's lives. The population shifted from rural areas to urban cities and towns.
  • Munich Pact

    British and French prime ministers Neville Chamberlain and Édouard Daladier sign the Munich Pact with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler
  • The Manhattan Project

    Albert Einstein signed a letter to President Franklin Roosevelt urging creation of an atomic weapons research program.
  • France Falls

    France signs an armistice with Germany, agreeing to German occupation.
  • Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Hitler launches Operation Barbarossa, a 2000-mile invasion of the Soviet Union
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
  • U.S v Japan

    December 8th: U.S. declares war on Japan
  • WAR!

    December 11th: Germany and Italy declare war on U.S
  • D-Day

    Allied forces launch an invasion of Normandy.
  • FDR to Truman

    FDR dies. VP Harry Truman takes office.
  • V-E Day

    Germany surrenders unconditionally
  • Atomic Power

    The Enola Gay drops an atomic bomb onn Hiroshima, Japan. This resulted in 140,000 deaths
  • Atomic power Part II

    Nagasaki, Japan, is bombed, resulting in 70,000 deaths.
  • V-J Day

    Emperor Hirohito surrenders. America wins the Pacific Theatre of War.
  • The Cold War

    Tensions had heightened between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Soviet union would later disband.
  • Israel

    United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13, in favor of a Partition Plan that created the State of Israel for the tormented Jewish people.
  • Marshall Plan

    President Truman signs the Marshall Plan, agreeing to give aid to European nations to help them recover from the triple blow of 2 world wars, and the Great Depression.