Battle new orleans

War of 1812

  • Impressment of sailors

    Impressment of sailors
    The British began to go onto American ships to seize goods and take their seamen to fill out their teams. This also stopped trade with the French as the French and British were at war. This happened from 1793 up until 1812 before the war started.
  • Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality

    Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality
    Washington wanted to tell the world the stance of American's over the spreading European war. Washing said that it was the responsibility and with the best interest of America to stay neutral and friendly. In the proclamation, they said anyone who broke this rule would be prosecuted. Many felt as if it was a betrayal of there oldest ally, the French.
  • Jay Treaty

    Jay Treaty
    America and Great Britain had some issues from Americans independence and the revolutionary war. They were imprisoning US sailors, messing with US exports and were still holding. Washington agreed with Hamilton who wanted to fix the issue Sending John Jay who threaten the British that they would partner with Dutch and Swedish governments to defend there neutrality. The treaty was signed but it gained the British more. The British will leave posts and some trade with Britany is open.
  • Washington’s Farewell Address

    Washington’s Farewell Address
    Nearing the end of his second term Washington addresses the American people about not taking up a 3rd term. He warns them about holding Foreign alliance for too long. Saving them for emergency treaties. He also warned them to stay neutral and don't gain an extreme love or hate for a foreign countries. So they wouldn't be ruled by there emotions. He also warns them about political parties.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard -Affair

    Chesapeake-Leopard -Affair
    The Chesapeake was an an American ship. In Virginia the boat was about 10 miles from the shore, when a the Leopard-a British naval ship- demanded to search the ship for men who were deserters. When the Chesapeake refused the Leopard sent 3 shot into the ship killing. Killing 3, injuring 18. James Barron surrounded and they took 4 men. One was Hung another died and 2 where sent back to the US Navy.
  • Embargo Act 1807

    Embargo Act 1807
    Because of the events of the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair Americans wanted to go to war with Great Britain, Jefferson, trying to avoid war, decided to take an economic stand. At Jefferson's request Congress deliberated over the Embargo act which would close of American ports to Foreign trade. And add restriction on British good. Though this ended up hurting Americans more than it did them any good. Especially the poor.
  • War hawks

    War hawks
    War hawks were politicians is congress who wanted to go to war with with Britain. They were very vocal of their opinions and this help them sway people to want to fight as well.
  • Tecumseh

    Know as The Battle of Tippecanoe Americans burned the homes in the Native settlement at Prophets Town. Tecumseh the Shawnee chief wanted to negotiate with Americans but it didn’t work and the native and American began to fight. The American won and the natives ran to Canada to seek the assistance of the British.
  • Tecumseh

    The Battle of Tippecanoe caused the natives ti have to go to Canada. In Canada they form an alliance with Great Britain, the Natives, and British lost a lot of lives against the Americans the treaty was unsuccessful and the Americans still won.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    War of 1812 Begins
    The American had had enough. Britain wanted to control the water ways of the world. So they began violate their naval rights, and cut into the Americans trade with the French. They also were capturing American seamen to fill out their crews. This paired with the British Orders-in-Council, which restricted American trade with Britain, caused to declare war. That would start planning to attack Canada.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    From December 12, 1814-January 5, 1815, federalist delegates from Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont held secret meetings in Hartford, Connecticut. The met to express their displeasure with the way that Madison was handling the war of 1812 aka “Mr. Madison’s War”. And the fact that Virginia was essentially in control of the national government. Some wanted Madison to withdrawal, while others simply wanted ways to protect their rights.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    President James Madison sent the treaty to congress and they all unanimously approved. They ratified it and the war ended. Now the treaty didn’t really achieve anything the Americans government wanted and did solve the main issues of the war. At first us seemed as is a new war would break out between the two countries but the British soon agreed to prewar relations with America. They sign the treaty and Parliament approved.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    This was after the signing of the treaty so it didn’t t count. But it was a major win for American. Andrew Jackson was a major factor in the war. He assembled an army together on the first and defeated the British. After this senate approved the treaty and the war ended.