Period: to
Proclomation of neutrality by George Washington
During this time France and Great Britain were at war and George Washington had made the decision to stay our of conflicts concerning foreign nations from the begining. It was made oficial with the proclomation of neutrality to keep the U.S. out of the war that was going on between France and Great Britain. -
XYZ Affair
In the attempt to better relations between France and us, John Adams sent diplomats to France to meet with French officals but instead got three men (x,y and z as known by Americans) sent by the French foreign minister. These men attempted to "bribe" the diplomats which ofended most Americans to a great extent. This broke relations between the U.S. and France and cuased turmoil which was later settled by the Convention of 1800. -
Convention of 1800
After the XYZ affair, the U.S. and France had been in a bit of a dispute and it was with this convention that relations were restored between both of the nations. In the agreement, France agreed to give back any captured ships. -
Louisiana Purchase
With this 15 million doallar purchace he made America twice as big as it was before the purchase. It expanded from the Mississippi river to the Rocky mountains and from the Gulf of Mexico to the border of Canada. This was accomplished under Thomas Jefferson's precedentcy and is one of the most important things that he did. -
Embargo Act
It was an act passed by congress and proposed by Thomas Jefferson which attempted to keep the U.S. out of the war that was raging between France and Great Britain. The attempted to do this by ending trade between the two nations at war. Even though the idea was a good one, it was not so good for the American economy and so the economy suffered from the act. -
War of 1812
This war was between America and Great Britain and lasted until 1814. It was fought in the U.S. and one of the many results was that the white house was burned down. It was mainly caused by Great Britain kidnapping American sailors and forcing them to join their Navy. This is known as impressment. The people who wanted war were known as the War Hawks and they got what they wanted and It wasn't until the Treaty of Ghent that the war ended. -
Treaty of Ghent
This was the treaty that ended the war between Great Britain and America, the war known as the war of 1812. It lasted from 1812-1814. -
Monroe Doctrine
James Monroe put this in place and it meant to say that the U.S. was detached of all of Europe and because of that, they had no right to come to America when there were situations within itself. It also said that the period of colonizing was over and that if Great Britain continued to try and colonize, then the U.S. would see it as agression. Most importantly, thid Doctrine showed the other nations that the U.S. was now powerful when it came to foreign affairs.