Battle of Trafalgar
The Battle of Trafalgar was a naval engagement fought by the Royal Navy against the fleets. The French and Spanish Navies that were joined as allies in this battle. -
**Berlin Decree
The Berlin Decree was issued in Berlin by Napoleon. This decree forbade the import of British goods into European countries. Napoleon's main goal was to control the trade of all of the European countries, without talking to their government. -
Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair was a naval engagment on the coast of Norfolk, Virginia. There was a British warship between HMS Leopard and the American USS Chesapeake. -
Orders in Council
The Orders in Council were a series of decrees made by the United Kingdom. This forbade French trade with the United Kingdom, their allies, or neutrals, and it instructed the Royal Navy to blockade French and their allied ports. -
Treaty of Fort Wayne
The Treaty of Fort Wayne has two nicknames. The treaty is also called " The Ten O' Clock Treaty of 1809" and the "Twelve Mile Line Treaty". The first one is because the Natives didn't trust the things that men brought with them. -
**Battle Of Tippecanoe
The battle was between United States forces led by Governor William Henry Harrison. The Indiana Territory and Native American leader was the Shawnee leader Tecumseh. Tecumseh and his brother weren't going to surrendur to the American forces. -
Spencer Perceval was Assinated
He was the only British Prime Minister to be assassinated. He is also the only Solicitor General or Attorney General to have been Prime Minister. He went to school at Linclon's Inn before he was assinated. -
Battle of Fort Dearborn
The Battle of Fort Dearborn was also called the Fort Dearborn Massacre. The battle only lasted about 15 minutes, at the end the Indians still won. The ones that survived after they burned down Fort Wayne were held captive. -
**Siege of Fort Wayne
Native Americans attacked the fort from the east side and burned the homes of the surrounding village. The Indians constructed two wooden cannons and were able to trick the garrison into thinking they were real. The fighting stopped, and then resumed again at 9 o' clock that night.