War of 1812

  • Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality

    The Proclamation of Neutrality was a formal announcement issued by President George Washington on April 22, 1793. This was an agreement that told France and Great Britain that the US wouldn't get involved in their conflicts.
  • Jay Treaty

    The Jay Treaty was known officially as the “Treaty of Amity Commerce and Navigation. The purpose and significance of the treaty was to end all of the tension or problems with Great Britain.
  • Washington’s Farewell Address

    The purpose of Washington’s Farewell Address is because he told US citizens to set aside all violence with other foreign countries.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair was significant toward the war of 1812 because it made the US realize that they were slowly degrading or reducing their relationship with Great Britain.
  • Embargo Act 1807

    The significance of the embargo acts was during Jefferson's term in wish he prohibited trade from foreign countries but that lead to lots of disaster in the Business industry.
  • Impressment of sailors

    The Impressment of sailors is most likely the cause of the war of 1812 because it happened right before 1812. It happened because the British were boarding American sailor ships without permission.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    The war of 1812 was important to the US because it proved itself from pain in order to try and use the Mississippi River for trade after they won that war.
  • War Hawks

    The War Hawks were all Congressmen who were trying to get James Madison to fight back against Great Britain. The War Hawks also wanted Britain to get out of the US and Canada.
  • Tecumseh

    Tecumseh was a native American that wanted to stop white settlers from invading all of their lands.
  • Hartford Convention

    The Hartford Convention was when the US government was going to protect new England, while also providing them with money.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent was basically the second war for independence against Great Britain. It made sure that the US would get its independence.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans was the greatest American land victory of the war