War of 1812 Military Innovation

  • A fifteen striped and stared flag is used

    This was the only time there were not 13 stripes on the flag
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

  • Introduction of the Rifle

    Made it easier to hit someone. Increased aim
  • First Pistol

    Was a cavalry weapon, light so they could carry it but still deadly
  • More forts along the coast

    This made it easier to defend the coast
  • US started using Ships of the Line

    Allowed naval warfare to be more equal against the British.
  • Springfield musket created.

    This made aiming it easier and increased your chance of hitting someone.
  • Briggs Created

    Very fast, allowed news to spread much faster and could deliver supplies.
  • Us Offensive Stance

    They knew they were weaker on the sea, so they decided to attack rather than defend.
  • British took Defensive Stance

    They didn't have a lot of supplies, so they defended
  • America starts to lose

  • There were many different British Flags

    Depending on material, rank, and where it was, there were many different designs on British Flags
  • US had a naval victory

    This boosted confidence and made America start fighting on the water as well
  • New Uniforms

    The Coat of blue cloth; with broad lapels and lining of the same; a standing collar...
  • Many men wore a mixture of many uniforms

    This showed a period of transition
  • America continued the offensive stance

  • America becomes defensive

    More British soldiers arrive, meaning we must us defense.
  • Americans failed to capture Canada

    This meant the war was to continue.
  • Napolean Defeated

    This meant that the Britsh had more resources