War of 1812

By Ben2123
  • James madison became president

    James madison became president
    March 16, 1751 he was born. 1809 march 4th he was elected president. He was a good president.
  • Massacare at RIver Raisin

    Massacare at RIver Raisin
    Massacre of US wounded at River Raisin. The americans got defeated here several times. They took a suprise attack at one of our camps.
  • Fort Erie

    Fort Erie
    We Won the battle of Fort Erie. The british lost, but we had to abonden this Because of shortages
  • US invades Creek

    US invades Creek
    U.S. invasion attempt at Frenchman's Creek repulsed. The operation was conceived as a raid to prepare the ground for a larger American invasion.
  • Royal Navy expands

    Royal Navy expands
    Royal Navy expands blockade to Chesapeake and Delaware Bays
    there was arguments between british and americans. So the royay navy expanded there blockade.
  • Blockade expands to longs island

    Blockade expands to longs island
    British naval blockade extended from Long Island to the Mississippi.The blockade expands. so we take attack on them.
  • US army takes west florida

    US army takes west florida
    US army occupies West Florida. There was indians there. We got florida and took it from spain.
  • Attack at Fort Mims

    Attack at Fort Mims
    Attack at Fort Mims. killed hundreds of settlers. 35-45 miles north of something.