Beginning of war
America decided to launch the war on Canada since the British would be too strong, but many colonists were in opposition to the war. -
Period: to
War of 1812
General Hull surrenders
General William Hull led his American army from Detroit to Canada, but Tecumseh cut his supply line and he surrendered. -
Battle of Queenston
The New York militia was defeated by the British at this battle in New York. -
Americans take offensive
The Americans renewed their offensive when General William Henry Harrison tried to retake Detroit. -
Death of Tecumseh
Harrison defeated a British and Indian force at the Battle of the Thames, and Tecumseh died at this battle. -
British take offensive
Napoleon had abdicated in Europe, so the fresh British troops came to America and took the offensive. -
The Battle of Bladensburg
The American militia fled and the British advanced into Washington. Madison and his wife escaped and the British burned the mansion. -
Peace Negotiations
Negotiations to end the war began in Ghent, Belgium. Some of the Americans included Henry Clay, Albert Gallatin, and John Quincy Adams. -
status quo ante bellum
The final treaty restored the status quo ante bellum, which means the status of things before the war. The United States did not gain or lose territory and impressment was not terminated. -
Jackson's victory
The Americans most succesful battle came after the treaty because they had not received word. Jackson's army destroyed Pakenham's in New Orleans and caused 2,000 casualties.