War in Vietnam

  • Japan surrendered from WW2

    Japan surrendered from WW2
  • The Geneva Accords declared a Cease-fire

    The Geneva Accords declared a Cease-fire
  • Diem took control of the south Vietnamese government

    Diem took control of the south Vietnamese government
  • U.S navy forces got attacked by vietnamese people

    U.S navy forces got attacked by vietnamese people
  • U.S. marines upcoming

    U.S. marines upcoming
    The U.S. Marines became the first American troops to land in South Vietnam with a success.
  • Operation Starlite

    Operation Starlite
    On this date Operation Starlite began to be the first American ground battle when 5,500 marines destroyed a Vietcong stronghold.
  • Australian diengagment began

    Australian diengagment began
  • American air and Artillary support , Vietnamese troops invaded Laos

    American air and Artillary support , Vietnamese troops invaded Laos
  • The Cease-fire was signed

    The Cease-fire was signed
  • War powers Act

    War powers Act
    Made the presidents ability to make troops to actionwithout obtaining Congressional approval.
  • The north invaded the south

    The north invaded the south
  • President Jimmy Carter

    President Jimmy Carter
    He pardoned mostly all Vietnam war drft evaders