Trouble Starts in Deraa, Syria
Conflict begins between the Syrian government and rebels -
Protesters are Killed
Army shot 4 protesters due to the government's angry response to the protests -
Civil War
International Red Cross declares Syria is in a civil war -
Chemical Weapons Kills Hundreds
The Syrian Government were believed to be responsible for the 1,400 deaths from the chemical weapons, but blamed the act on the rebels -
ISIS is Founded
The Islamic Group, ISIS, starts to take over large parts of the country. Claiming Syria as theirs. -
Countries Unite
The United States, United Kingdom, and other countries join forces and send airstrikes out to Iraq -
United Nations Offers a Welcoming Hand
United Kingdom, Germany, France, and other countries start accepting refugees -
Taking a Stand Against ISIS
Members of Parliament voted for military action against ISIS in Syria -
United Nations Stops Helping Syria
Convoy of the United Nation's aid lorries are attacked and the United Nation's cuts off all help to Syria. -
Police to Syria
Russia deploys military police to Syria