war in iraq

  • 9/11

    September 11, 2001: Richard Clarke relates that as soon as Bush returned to the White House on September 11th, Rumsfeld stated "we needed to bomb Iraq and we all said, 'No no, al Qaeda is in Afghanistan. We need to bomb Afghanistan.'" Clarke also reports Bush demanded that Clarke find a reason to attack Iraq as well.
  • Saddam charges

    Saddam charges
    Ambassador Wilson is asked to investigate the Saddam-Niger nuclear charges. He reports back that there is absolutely no truth to this. Report submitted to CIA and back to Cheney's office.
  • george tenat and the nuclear program

    george tenat and the nuclear program
    George Tenet testifies that Iraq is still a concern, but threat from North Korea or Iran is greater. He testifies that Saddam still wants to reconstitute its nuclear program, but there is no evidence that he is doing so right now.
  • legality of war

    Iraq Legal Background memo from Jack Straw to Tony Blair advising him of the legality of war with Iraq.
  • Foreign policy

    David Manning, UK Foreign Policy advisor for Tony Blair, provides his advice in preparation to Blair's upcoming visit to Crawford, Texas
  • Christopher Meyer's notes on meeting with Paul Wolfowitz,

    I said that the UK was giving serious through [sic] to publishing a paper that would make the case against Saddam. If the UK were to join with the US in any operation against Saddam, we would have to be able to take a critical mass of parliamentary and public opinion with us. It was extraordinary how people had forgotten ho [sic] bad he was.
  • written secrets

    Letter from Christopher Meyer recounting his meeting with Paul Wolfowitz
  • letter of change

    Tenet tells Senate Armed Services Committee that Iraqi regime "had contacts with Al Qaeda".
  • War begins

    The war between the U.S. and Iraq starts at full speed lasting for years to this day and on going.
  • Jack Straw

    Letter from British Foreign Office Policy Director Peter Ricketts to Jack Straw
  • Memo

    Jack Straw Memo to PM Blair in preparation for visit with Bush at Crawford.
  • Iraqi Congress

    The Iraqi National Congress sends a letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee which listed 108 articles based on information provided by the INC's Information Collection Program, a U.S.-funded effort to collect intelligence in Iraq.
  • Secret memo

    UK Cabinet Office Paper: Conditions for Military Action.
    Top Secret Downing Street Memo describing what the Ministers must agree to in order to create the necessary excuse for war. This memo was prepared in preparation for the July 23rd meeting.
  • Prime minister's meeting

    Prime Minister's Meeting. The minutes of a top-secret meeting reveal that Bush had decided to go to war against Iraq and Britain will help provide evidence to sell the war to the world.
  • U.S. Air force

    U.S. Air Force officers are secretly deployed to Iraq to assisst their counterparts in the Iraqi military.