Jun 6, 1346
Black Plague Epidemic
The black death sweeps across Europe and surrounding areas, killing 25 millions people, or 1/3 of the world population. The black death originated in Asia and quickly spread due to the trading that was going on. It started out in Port cities but quickly spread out into the country. The disease affected just about everyone, but those with a natural immunity lived. -
Jun 6, 1347
First guns appear in Europe
The first guns appear in Europe. The man who first invented the gun is unknown, but he contributed a weapon that is now forever imprinted into history. The gun was used by explorers and conquerers alike. Due to the gun the explorers had an upper hand on natives and could easily take their gold and lang. -
Jun 6, 1390
Writer tells how to use Astrolabe
Author of "Canterbury Tales," Geoffrey Chaucer, wrote a book that tells how to construct and use the astrolabe, an instrument for navigating by the stars. The astrolabe served as the main navigational tool for early explorers for a long time. Judging on the stars the astrolabe could tell which direction was where. -
Jun 6, 1440
Bible Printed On Cheap Paper
The Guttenberg Bible is printed on a printing press that uses movable type. This invention made it possible for books to be made inexpensively, and, as a result, knowledge began to spread more rapidly than ever before in history. The Bible now still has 21 complete, bibles still around. -
Jun 6, 1487
Bartholomeu Becomes First European to Reach Cape of Good Hope
Explorer Bartholomeu Dias becomes the first European to reach the sounthern tip of Africa: The Cape of Good Hope. Bartholomeu was a Portugese nobleman who sailed around the southern most tip of africa, Cape of Good Hope. The mission of going down around was to try and find a trade route to India. Afterwards there were many follow-up voyages. -
Jun 6, 1492
Columbus discovers the west Indies in the New World
Columbus discovers the West Indies in the new World. Columbus also learns that compasses change direction slightly as the longitude changes. After seven centuries, the last Moslems are driven from Spanish soil. Leonardo Da Vinci draws a plan for a flying machine -
Jun 6, 1498
Columbus Discovers American Continent
Columbus discvovers American continent but thinks it is Asia. Columbus sailed out of port of Palos with his three ships, The Nina, The Pinta, and The Santa Maria. Left to find Asia because he heard there was abundance in golds, spices, and pearls.He sailed west until he hit land, thinking it was Asia he landed and met with the natives. -
Jun 6, 1506
Columbus Dies
In 1506 one of the most famous and dedicated explorers of all time died. He died by a heart attack, likely caused by an automimmune form of arthritis. This caused joint swelling, eye disease, and urinary infections. When he died he was still unaware he wasn't in Asia -
Jun 6, 1513
Balboa crosses the Isthmus of Panama
Starting as a failed farmer, Balboa, deep in debt, was a stow away with his dog on a boat of supplies. Sailing to San Sabastian in 1510. Balboa created an alliance between Spain and Comogre people. In 1513 Balboa set out with 190 Spanish soldiers and over 1000 Native Americans and crossed the isthmus -
Jun 6, 1514
Smallpox Kill Native Americans
Smallpox brought over by Europeans exploring and conquering the new world, kills off many Native Americans. In 1515 just a year after it starts, 2/3's of the native american population is dead or infected. -
Jun 6, 1522
Magellans Five Ships return
The last remaining of Magellans five ships with its crew of seventeen men, return to Spain, ending the first voyage around the world.