Walt Disney

  • Birth

    Walt Disney was born in Hermosa, Chicago Illinois. Although born in Chicago when he was young his family moved to Marceline, Missouri. This is where Walt started drawing pictures and painting and selling them to his friends and neighbor. Then the family moved to Kansas city, Disney found a love for trains. Before all that Disney went to school in Chicago, where he took drawing and photography classes. "If you can dream it, you can do it."
  • Cartooning

    Walt really started working he got a job working for Pesmen-Rubin Art Studio. While working for them is when he decided that he wanted to make his own business. He made a deal with a movie theater to show his short cartoon clips. People loved the cartoons whitch he called Laugh-O-Grams. When he started making enough money he brought his own theater. This he showed more 7 mintue cartoons that he called Alice in Cartoonland. Disney had becomed overwhelmed with dept he had to declare bankruptcy.
  • Marriage

    On July 13,1925 Walt married one of his employees, Lillian Bounds. They were given two beautiful daughters. Diane and Sharon. 1932, the production entitled Flowers and Trees one of the first colored cartoons. Then many years later December 12, 1937 Snow White and the seven darwfs the full length movie came out. “People still think of me as a cartoonist but, the only thing I lift a pen or pencil these days is to sign an autograpgh or a check ."
  • Walt Disney Land

    Walt Disney Land
    InterviewOn Januray 17, 1955 one of the greatest parks open it was called Walt Disney Land and this was the first park that Walt Disney opened he made his fansty a reality. This is when he started going on TV and had his own TV show. talking about Mickey and his creation of cartoons and even talked about the park a little.Sometimes even interviewed
  • Walt Death

    Walt Death
    It was a very sad day when Walt died. He was in the creatrion on Walt Disney World when he died of lung cancer. His brother Roy finished the park for him. After he passed away. Legend says that Walt's frozen head is under Disney Land until we have the technology to bring him back.