Walt Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago Illinois. After Walt was born the Disney family moved to Marceline Missouri. He had 3 brothers and 1 sister. -
Joining the Military
During the fall of 1918, Disney tried to join the army. Rejected because he was under age, only sixteen years old at the time. So instead he went to the Red Cross and was sent overseas to France. -
Tieing the knot
Walt married one of his first employees, Lillian Bounds, in Lewiston, Idaho. Soon they were blessed with two daughters. Walt 's daughter Diane once said:
Daddy never missed a father's function no matter how I discounted it. I'd say,"Oh, Daddy, you don't need to come. It's just some stupid thing." But he'd always be there, on time. -
First Success
Steamboat Willie that starred Mickey Mouse was his first cartoon that had sound and music. It was an instant success. It premiered at the Colony Theater in New York on November 18, 1928. -
Walt's First Feature Film
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was Walt's first full-length animated musical show. It premiered at the Carthay Theater in Los Angeles. The next 5 years Walt created Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, and Bambi. -
A Death in the Family
The most painful time of Walt's private life, was the accidental death of his mother . After the great success of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Walt and Roy bought their parents a home close to the studios. Less than a month later Flora died of asphyxiation caused by a faulty furnace in the new home. Walt lived with the gult of his mother's death. -
Disneyland Park
Walt Disney opened Disneyland Park in 1955. It cost $17 million to build his clean and organized amusement park. Families came to meet the characters, try the rides and explore the amusement park. More than 200 million people, including presidents, kings and queens, and royalty from all over the globe came to Walt's Disneyland. -
Walt Elias Disney died because of lung cancer when he was 65. He left a wife and his to daughters. Walt died in St. Joseph's hospital in California. Walt Disney won 22 Academy Awards and 4 honorary Academy Awards in his lifetime.