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Walking with The Colonies

  • Roanoke(Lost Colony)

    Second colony in America, went on a boat and died.
    They died because they were tring to get to the land
    The setting isRoanoke Island
    Chesapeake Bay
  • New Netherland

    New Netherland
    Trading happened in New Nethland a lot of people sponsored the trading Company.It soon became a colony.
  • Jamestown

    Was the first colony. people came from London to Chesapeake Bay.Their job was to set up a colony to show of England's claim to the Chesapeake Bay people.
    The setting was
    1607 Virginia
    Chesapeake Bay
  • Plymouth

    Second colony. Came in the MayFlower.They became the Pilgrims.
    The setting is
    Massachusetts Bay
    Cape Cod Bay
  • Williamsburg(William Penn)

    Williamsburg(William Penn)
    They settled in this site because it had better soil for the crops than did the area around Jamestown.
  • New Sweden

    New Sweden
    This colony was the only Swedish colony in America at the time.The Dutch didn’t think the existence of New Sweden should be on his land.
  • St. Augustine

    It was founded in 1565 by a Spanish explorer called Pedro Avilés. The settlers who came with Padro built the first Christian mission in North America
    In Florida.
  • Pennsylvania Colony

    Pennsylvania Colony
    Penn, William was a person who didn’t believe in God. He was often treated badly in England. He wanted the right to follow his religious beliefs without fear of getting heart. Penn, one of the people who don’t follow Christ he leads them, King Charles II to let them set up a colony in America. This colony became the state of Pennsylvania.