VR timeline

By power22
  • Stereoscopic photos & viewers

    Stereoscopic photos & viewers
    Charles Wheatstone's research demonstrated that the brain processes the different two-dimensional images from each eye into a single object of three dimensions. Viewing two side by side stereoscopic images or photos through a stereoscope gave the user a sense of depth and immersion.
  • Sensorama

    The sensorama was created by Morton
    Heilig. who made a film watching device that gave the viewer a 3D view of the film and even added smells and wind to the scene.
  • First vr headset

    First vr headset
    Morton Heilig’s next invention was the Telesphere Mask (patented 1960) and was the first example of a head-mounted display (HMD), albeit for the non-interactive film medium without any motion tracking. The headset provided stereoscopic 3D and wide vision with stereo sound.
  • 'artificial reality'

    'artificial reality'
    In 1969 Myron Kruegere a virtual reality computer artist developed a series of experiences which he termed “artificial reality” in which he developed computer-generated environments that responded to the people in it. The projects named GLOWFLOW, METAPLAY, and PSYCHIC SPACE were progressions in his research which ultimately let to the development of technology. This technology enabled people to communicate with each other in a responsive computer generated environment despite being miles apart.
  • first vr glove

    first vr glove
    Jaron Lanier Through his company VPL research Jaron developed a range of virtual reality gear including the Dataglove (along with Tom Zimmerman) and the EyePhone head mounted display. They were the first company to sell Virtual Reality goggles (EyePhone 1 $9400; EyePhone HRX $49,000) and gloves ($9000). A major development in the area of virtual reality haptics.