Votager Probe #1
Vooyager Probe #1 was launched into the space in Pasadena Californa. -
Voyager Probe #2
Voyager Probe #2 was launched a few weeks after Voyager Probe #1 in Pasedana Californa. -
Magellan Launched
the shuttle launched in Cap Conal, Flordia the cost of the ship was $680 million dollars. The ship was powerd from the solar pannels. -
Magellan Return
The ship came back to the earth. This ship was named after a scientist in the 6th centuray. -
Geneses Launches
Was launched into the space to collects solar wind this lead to the solving of the Apollo Misson. -
Geneses Return
The misson lasted 4 years and the misson came back to earth in September. -
Voyager probe # 1 celebrated its 35th birthday on August 20, 2012 -
Voyager #2 celebrated its 35 birthday in space on September 5, 2012. -
Space Connection
Today they are still in space sending back information to the Nasa center. They have been in space for 35 years. -
Power Supplie
Both voyagers probes will spend the rest of there life in space but only have enough power in 2020 to send images sound and videos of space to earth.