13th Amendment
This Amendment abolished slavery, and made it illegal for anybody to keep people as slaves.
This event leads into the 15th Amendment deing made, because the 15th Amendment gives blacks the right to vote, this was the turning point for equality.
This event is important, because it again was the turning point for equality through out the states, and African Americans were finally freed, and people were no longer aloud to keep, sell, or traid African Americans. -
15th Amendment
This amendment leads into how the south attempted to keep the rights of African Americans from voting.
This event allows African Americans to be able to vote.
This event is important, because this gave African Americans the right to vote, and they are finally gaining rights, although some of the Southern states attmempt to keep them from voting. -
Laws to take voting rights away form African-Americans
This event leads into the literacy test, Grandfather clause being found as unconstitutional,
This event did not lead to increased voting rights.
This event is extremly important, because this is when Southern states were taking rights that had just been given to the African Americans away again. -
The Supreme Court rules that literacy tests are Unconstitutional
This event causes the Grandfather clause to be looked at by the Supreme Court, and it is found unconstitutional.
This event doesn't necessarily lead in to more voting rights, but does start to make the south realize they should give the rights back to the African Americans.
This event is extremly importants, because know you do not need to be educated, and education doesn't define you, and wether or not you are aloud to vote. -
Supreme Court declares "Grandfather Clause" Unconstitutional.
This event is important, because this aloud African Americans, regardless fo who there ancesters were or ect, to have equal right. -
19th Amendment
This event leads in to the Freedom summer, and how everybody is trying to get there rights.
Women, before this, were never aloud to vote only men, and this allowed more people to wanted the right to vote, so now more poeple are aloud to vote. Meaning women can vote.
This even is extremly important, because this gave women all over the country the right, to vote, and caused the women of America to finally be close to equivalent with men. -
Supreme Court rules that poll taxes are Unconstitutional.
This even leads into the 24th Amendment being created.
This event causes increased coting rights, because the poor can still vote, and not have to pay.
This event is importnat, because there are very little things keep people from voting now and days, mostly other then age. -
24th Amendment
This event is mostly lead/caused by the Supreme Court ruling that Poll Taxes were unconstituional.
This Amendment lead to more people, including the poor the right to vote.
This amendment is important, because now people from any class "low/middle/upper" to be able to vote. -
Freedom Summer
This event lead to the Voting Rights Act in 1965.
This event lead to increased voting rights, because this was all about trying to register African Americans so they can be voters.
This event is important, because it was litteraly the reason why th Voting Rights Act was finally put in to act. -
Voting Rights Act
This act was put into affect, because of the Freedom Summer event,
This event lead to increased voting, becuase it bans racial, ethnic discrimination in elections.
This is event is important, because it allows everybody the right to vote.