Voting Rights in the United States

  • Constitution is ratified

    Constitution is ratified
    Only white males that own property were allowed to vote. This is significant because it shows how things were before the country decided to be equal.
  • Religious qualifications dropped

    The requirement for religious voting ended. This is significant because it gave people who don't believe in a religious the opportuinity to vote in elections.
  • Property requirements dropped

    The requirement to own property and tax ended. All white males were allowed to vote at this time. This is significant because men no longer need to own property to participate in voting.
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    Former slaves were given the opportunity to vote and it protected all male citizens(Any race) voting rights. This is significant because not only did slaves get to vote but all men of any race could vote and it was a step closer to equality.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Women's suffrage was guaranteed. This is significant because women were now allowed to vote and help make important decisions and choices.
  • 23rd amendment

    23rd amendment
    Voters in the District of Columbia were allowed to be apart of presidential elections.
  • 24th amendment

    Poll taxes were banned as a requirement when voting in federal elections. This is significant because someone people, mainly slaves, were not able to afford poll taxes and the requirement was banned so they were then able to vote for free.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    African-American voting rights were brought to attention in Selma, Alabama at the voter registration drive by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This is significant because it brought others attention towards the voting rights of people who aren't treated as fairly as they should be.
  • 26th amendment

    The 26th amendment put a required age of 18 years old. This is significant because it put a set age for voters who are mature and will think harder about their descision.