Constitution is Ratified
Any white, property owning man could vote in the U.S. Still left out women, African Americans and other citizens of the U.S. -
Religious Qualifications Dropped
Now any religion could vote in any state. States could not apply that to their qualifications. -
Property Owning Requirements Dropped
Now men didn't have to be the sole proprieter of a piece of land, letting those less fortunate able to vote. -
15th Amendment
No longer does race, color or previous servitude determine if some one can vote. This let African Americans vote officially. -
19th Amendment
It provents gender being a qualification to vote, allowing women to vote. -
23 Amendment
Citizens of Washington DC can now vote for presidents or vice presidents. They tend to vote fo Democrates. -
24th Amendment
Poll taxes become illegal for Federal and State polls. States taxed to prevent the poor (usualy black) from voting. -
Voting Rights Act
An act that outlawed discrimnatory voting practice used to prevent African Americans from voting. -
26th Amendment
The government couldn't hold a higher voting age than 18. This helped student activists in the Vietnam war.