voting rights

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    Voting Rights

  • 13th Amendment

    This amendment is important, because it abolished slavery. We are all human and it is absurd that people thought slavery was okay.
  • 15th Amendment

    This gives minority men the right to vote.
  • Laws to take voting rights from African-Americans.

  • Supreme Court rules that literacy tests are constitutional.

  • Supreme Court declares "Grandfather Clause" unconstitutional.

    This law made it so people who wanted to vote didn't have to have a previous grandfather who was able to vote. Back in the days many African Americans had grandfathers who were slave, so this was unfair to them.
  • 19th Amendment

    This law made it so women could vote.
  • Supreme Court rules that poll taxes are constitutional.

    This was made to make voters pay to vote.
  • 24th Amendment

    This amendment outlaws poll taxes, which doesn't require people to pay to vote.
  • Freedom Summer

  • Voting Rights Act

    This bans racial and ethnic discrimination in the elections.