Original Requirements
The right to vote was restricted to white, male property owners. -
Religious Qualification
Religious test for voting is eliminated. -
Other Requirements
One by one, property ownership and tax payment qualifications where eliminated by States. -
Wyoming Women
Women in Wyoming, still a territory, were able to vote. -
15th Amendment
Allowed all races to vote. -
Women's Suffrage
More than half of the States allowed women to vote. -
19th Amendment
All women by law are allowed to vote. -
23rd Amendment
Now people who live in D.C. can vote in presidential elections. -
24th Amendment
No more poll tax -
Voting Rights of 1965
Racial equality in polling booths throughout the country. -
26th Amendment
You have to be at least 18 to vote in any state. -
Motor Voter Act
States had to allow eligible citizens the ability to register to vote at the renewal of license or through the mail, and also make registration forms available. -
Voting Qualifications
All races are allowed to vote. All sexes are allowed to vote. No poll taxes are allowed. 18 and older can vote in any state.