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voting rights history

  • 15th amdenment

    15th amdenment
    the 15th Amendment said that the states could not deny someone the right to vote based on race. even after the 15th amendment was passed by Congress on February 26, 1869 many southern states came up with ways to make it harder for them to vote such as literacy tests.
    National Archives
  • Alice Paul

    Alice Paul
    Alice Paul lead the 20th-century women's suffrage movement. Alice Paul organized many parades and pickets but her first and largest one was in Washington D.C on March 3, 1913.
    women history
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    the 19th Amendment was passed on June 4, 1919, and it prevented states from denying a citizen to vote based on gender. women in the early 1800s had been fighting for their right to vote in the U.S and finally, after 119 years they got the amendment passed
    National Archives
  • indian citizenship act

    indian citizenship act
    the Indian Citizenship Act granted U.S citizenship and the right to vote to indigenous people and it passed Congress on June 2, 1924. this act was governed by state law so not all states gave the right to vote for indigenous people.
    library of Congress
  • Jennings Randolph

    Jennings Randolph
    Jennings Randolph was a congressman in the House of Representatives in West Virginia. he is considered the father of the 26th amendment because he was the first one to propose it to Congress. he introduced it to legislation 11 times in early 1942.
  • 24th amendment

    24th amendment
    the 24th Amendment prohibits the use of poll taxes on any election and it was ratified on January 23, 1964. when the 15th Amendment was passed the Southern states developed some ways to prevent African Americans from voting and one of those ways was through poll taxes.
  • 26th amendment

    26th amendment
    the 26th Amendment granted the right to citizens 18 years old or older and it was ratified on July 1, 1971. many citizens were confused why 18-year-olds were able to be drafted to go to war but not vote for who would be representing our country which is what started the movement for the 26th amendment.
    constitution. congress
  • motor voter law

    motor voter law
    The Motor voter law allows citizens to register to vote when they are issued a driver's license and went into effect on January 1, 1995. this act was introduced to help make it easier for Americans to register to vote.
    civil rights division
  • Help America Vote Act

    Help America Vote Act
    the HAVA was introduced to help improve the voting system and voter access in the U.S. This act was signed by President George W Bushe on October 28, 2002. this act also helps new mandatory minimum standards for states to follow for election administration.
    Election Assistance Commision
  • Florida Amendment 4

    Florida Amendment 4
    Florida Amendment 4 was introduced to help restore civil rights for felons by letting them register to vote after being convicted. this amendment was passed on November 6, 2018, and if convicted felons meet requirements which include serving the terms of their sentence, parole, and probation are allowed to register to vote but it excludes anyone who is convicted of murder or sexual offenses.
    Marion County