Volleyball formerly called mintonette, was born in the United States in Holyoke Massachussetts. -
A specific ball was designed for this sport -
Initial rules
It refers to the dimensions of the court, the number of players per team is limited to six and rotation is incorpored into the service. -
It was changed from 21 to 15 points -
The number of touches was regulated and the attack by the defenders was limited -
The United States Volleyball Association (USVBA, now USA volleyball) was formed -
Olympic Games
Was introduced in Tokyo -
It was invented by William George Morgan, a physical education teacherat the YMCA. -
Old Regulation
It was an indoor team game with similitaries to basketball. -
Player figure
The figure of the Libero player is introduced -
The duration of the encounters was significantly reduced -
New changes
Two possible new changes are propossed and tested in some competitions -
Finally it is only accepted in the revision approved in the congress of the same year, held in Dubai -
The net touched rule is made and changed, the game is also made more flexible -
At present
Its teams are 6 people and can play any genre