
  • Period: to

    Spanish War of Succession

    This war was international and they during 12 years. The war is finished after sign the Utrech treaty
  • Treaty of Utreach

    The Treaty of Utreach was sign on netherlands.
  • Louis XIV's death

    He born in 1638 and he dead in 1715.He governed since 72 years.
  • Diderot and d'Alembert

    This perons are the creators of the encyclopedia. This is the date of the first encyclopedia left.
  • America Revolution

  • Period: to

    7 year's War

    This was a international conflict and this provocated the weakening of French and strenthening of England
  • First Industrial Revolution

    This revolution began in England it was very important Revolution
  • Period: to

    French revolution

    This revolution was politically and social. It for change estates.
  • Edward Jenner's vaccine

    He discovered the antidot of the smallpox