
By 851308
  • stumbling

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Ugly Truth pg 16 - 24 Cited Line:tripping or losing one's balance while walking; moving with difficulty. Definition: trip or momentarily lose one's balance; almost fall.
  • paranoid

    of, characterized by, or suffering from the mental condition of paranoia.
  • Diary of a wimpy kid

    Diary of a wimpy kid - 171 a plant that produces flowers at a specified time.
    "fragrant night-bloomers such as nicotiana"
    a person who matures or flourishes at a specified time.
    "he was a late bloomer"
  • phantom

    a ghost.
    "a phantom who haunts lonely roads"
    synonyms: ghost, apparition, spirit, specter, wraith; More
    a figment of the imagination.
    "he tried to clear the phantoms from his head and grasp reality"
    synonyms: delusion, figment of the imagination, hallucination, illusion, chimera, vision, mirage
    "the phantoms of an overactive imagination"
  • Vermin

    pgs - 20-46
    wild mammals and birds that are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or that carry disease, e.g., foxes, rodents, and insect pests.
  • oblivious

    not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one.
  • overturned (140)

    overturned (140)
    pgs - 117 - 140 tip (something) over so that it is on its side or upside down.
  • Tavern 96

    Tavern 96
    Bone pg 63-110 an establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks to be consumed on the premises, sometimes also serving food.
  • uproar pg 62

    uproar pg 62
    pgs 43 - 62
    a loud and impassioned noise or disturbance
  • Slush

    The Calder Games pgs 84 - 110
    partially melted snow or ice.
  • Twinge

    pgs 84-119 The Calder Games
    sudden, sharp localized pain
  • plopped

    fall or cause to fall with a plop
  • ominous

    giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspicious.