Viva la Resistance!

  • Period: to

    Long live the resistance!

  • German tanks cross Meuse Line with Blitzkreig attack

    German tanks cross Meuse Line with Blitzkreig attack
  • Prime Minister of France, Petain calls for ceasefire

    Prime Minister of France, Petain calls for ceasefire
  • Charles de Gaulle calls for le French to resist

    Charles de Gaulle calls for le French to resist
  • Armistice is signed, France is divided

    Armistice is signed, France is divided
  • Communist resistance cells join into a single resistance group, increasing their effectiveness

  • Bruneval raid by Britain, with the help of French intelligence information

  • Germany occupies the whole of France

    Germany occupies the whole of France
  • First meeting of le Conseil National de Resistance

  • Eisenhower asks the resistance to distract the Germans during the Normandy D-Day landings

  • Germans retaliate by slaughtering the inhabitants of Oratour-sur-Giane, then setting the village on fire.