Vietnam Project

  • Alliance of Progress

    Kennedy's goal was to establish economic cooperation between the U.S. & Latin America.
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    Bay of pigs invasion was a faile military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) sponsored paramilitary group Bridge 2506 on 17 April 1961.
  • Kennedy's visit to Berlin

    Kennedy paid a visit to Berlin to challenge Soviet oppression and offer hope to the people of the divided city. The consequences of Kennedy's speech gave a city hope.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis - Oct. 1962

    America had to stand up to Cuba, we needed to prevent communism for spreading and becoming more powerful. Kennedy was arguing about keeping the troops in Vietnam or take the troops out. "The pentagon papers". Kennedy decision to withdraw were published in that edition.
  • "Stay the Course"

    Stay the course means keep going strongly to the end of a race or contest. He decided to keep troops in Vietnam just in case another war started they would be prepared.
  • Kennedy is assassinated

    Kennedy's plan was o begin to withdraw American troops from Vietnam in 1965, but was assassinated before this could happen.
  • Johnson becoming President.

    Johnson was convinced of the need to make an immediate transition of power after the assassination to provide stability to a grieving nation in shock. Secret service and him him though he avoiding him being the next target.The wave of national grief following the assassination gave enormous momentum to Johnson's promise to carry out Kennedy's plans and his policy.
  • Allows convert operations against North Vietnam

    Johnson and his civilian and military advisers wrestled with the problem of a failing government in South Vietnam and military gains by the communists. Many of President Johnson's advisers advocated on air war against North Vietnam and the introduction of U.S. combat troops into South Vietnam.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    It impacted America in how Johnson unleashed "operation rolling thunder. The U.S. congress overwhelming appnives the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, and he was able to persuade them because one of his programs was to get rid of poverty.
  • Increase in American troop involvement 1965-1966

    Johnson pointed out that to fill the increase in military man powers needs the monthly draft calls would be raised from 17,000 to 35,000. This decision to send more troops was regarded as a major turning point, it effectively guaranteed the U.S . military leaders a blank check to pursue the war.
  • Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive weakened domestic support for the for the Johnson Administration as the vivid reporting on the Tet by the U.S media clear to the American public that an overall victory in Vietnam was not imminent.
  • Not seek re-election

    He realized that because of his conduct of the war of the war in Vietnam he could not win the Democratic Nomination.
    After the Tet offensive the American voters became disillusioned with the conduct of war in Vietnam and how it could be ended.
  • Silent Majority' speech

    Vietnamization was a strategy that aimed to reduce American involvement in the Vietnam War by transferring all military responsibilities to South Vietnam.
  • Mylai Massacre

    Around 1,034,300 nectarines of forest was destroyed "agent orange" one of major herbicides used has left a serious ecological & human impact in Vietnamese people lives.
  • Compulsory draft implemented

    Nixon thought ending the draft could be an effective political weapon against the burgeoning anti-war movement
  • Vietnamization

    To limit the type of intervention that Eisenhower had joined in Lebanon.
  • Withdrawal of troops begins

    The term was popularized by U.S. President Nixon in a Nov. 3, 1969, speech in which he said "...and so tonight, to you, the great silent majority of my fellow Americans. I ask for your support."
  • Christmas Bombings

    Nixon believed North Vietnam was transporting troops & supplies through neighboring Cambodia into South Vietnam