Visual Timeline of Wolrd War II

  • Hitler Elected

    Hitler Elected
    videoHitler began gaining popularity in 1932 because he was able to unite Germany behind their exasperation with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. He created the Nazi party and was elected as chancellor of Germany in 1933. Hitler wanted to make Germany and a powerful state that was unified by one party, the Nazi party.
  • Germany Annexes Austria (Anschluss)

    Germany Annexes Austria (Anschluss)
    In 1938, Nazi Germany began to conspire to seize the Austrian government. Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg met with Hitler to tell him to back off but instead was forced to appoint Nazi Germany politicians in the Austrian cabinet. On March 11 Schuschnigg resigned and on March 12, 1938, Hitler marched into Germany, appointed a Nazi government, and proclaimed Anschluss. At the end of WWII the Allies declared Anschluss void and Austria became independent again.
  • Hitler Invades Poland

    Hitler Invades Poland
    primaryOn September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland. He struck on both the North and South sides of Poland and effectively took out Poland’s defensives. Warsaw (the capital of Poland) surrendered to Germany on September 27, 1939, just weeks after the invasion. Because they ensured Poland would remain its own country in March of 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939.
  • Neutrality Act of 1939

    Neutrality Act of 1939
    This was to make sure that Americans didn't sell arms or other war materials to countries at war. However it was amended on Novemeber 4, 1939 which allows the United States to start selling arms to countries as long as ithey paid cash and transported the goods on non-American ships. This eventually leads to the United States getting involved in World War II and also the end of isolationism.
  • Atlantic Charter Conference

    Atlantic Charter Conference
    This took place before the United States entered World War II and was between Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt. This was also supposed to guide the world into the "dream" post-war society. It ended with eight points and this was seen by Japan and Germany as agression. This eventually led to the United Nations.
  • Japanese- American Internment Camps

     Japanese- American Internment Camps
    Camps that Japanese people were put into because Americans could not tell the difference between "loyal" and "unloyal" Japanese people. President Gerald R Ford said, "Not only was the evacuation wrong, but Japanese Americans were and are loyal Americans." This eventually led to the Korematsu vs. U.S.
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    Manhattan Project and Operation Trinity

    VideoThe Manhattan Project (1942-1946) was a research project that created an atomic weapon. These bombs were used in WWII by the US against Japan. Operation Trinity was the first detonation of a nuclear weapon on July 16, 1945. It occurred on a testing site in New Mexico. John R. Lugo, who was flying a U.S. Navy transport east of Albuquerque, said, "My first impression was, like, the sun was comin up in the south. What a ball of fire!"
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    video This was a battle between German and Soviet Union foces. Germany was tyring to expand further east into Europe and was going to do by trying to attack a Soviet Union city, Stalingrad. The Soviet Union was able to hold them off and this is where the Soviet Union left the Axis powers for that of the Allies.
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    The Trident Conference

    It was held in Washington, D.C. and this was where Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt. This meeting was to be a strategic one on how to go forth with the War. This ended up with the invasion of Italy and France, it also allowed the United States to attck Japanese islands.
  • The Normandy Landings (D-Day)

    The Normandy Landings (D-Day)
    primaryThese landings, part of Operation Overlord, occurred on June 6, 1944. The landings took place on a 50 mile stretch of the Normandy coast and consisted of two phases: an airborne assault and an amphibious landing. This was the largest amphibious military invasion in World History. The Allies used deception to mislead the Germans as to when and where the invasion would take place. The Allies were able to catch the Germans off guard and proceed to Berlin to defeat Nazi Germany.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    Primary This was Germany’s last major offensive campaign against the Allies. It occurred between December 16, 1944 and January 25, 1945. Germany attempted to split the Allied line and encircle and destroy the Allied armies. The Allies were caught by complete surprise. This was the largest and bloodiest battle fought by the US in WWII.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    video The attack on Pearl Harbor happened the morning of December 7, 1914. The Imperial Japanese Navy attacked the naval base Pearl Harbor. FDR called it "a day that will live in infamy." All 8 US battleships were damaged and 2,402 Americans were killed, 1,282 wounded. The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor gave the United States an excuse to enter World War II.
  • Korematsu vs. U.S.

    Korematsu vs. U.S.
    This was a case that was brought to the Supreme Court in 1944 because Roosevelt issued an order stating that Japnense Americans were to be put in internment camps. The Supreme Court ruled it as"wartime necessity". Congress later attempted to apoligize to any surviors. Fred Korematsu said, " I didn't think that the government would go as far as to include American citizens to be interned without a hearing. And then later on, they changed my draft card card to 4-C, which is enemy alien."
  • Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Primary Although Germany signed over its surrender, the war in the Pacific continued. United States called for the unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces in the Potsdam Declaration on July 26, 1945 and threatened "prompt and utter destruction". ‘Little Boy’ was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, followed by ‘Fat Man’ on the city of Nagasaki on August 9. Within the first two to four months of the bombings 150,000–246,000 were dead. Japan announced its surrender to the Allies 9/2/1945.