Visegrad Group

  • hungary 1

    hungary 1
    Hungarian war of independence from austria was the first leading war that started every thing that will have Hungary become a independent country and be part of the EU
  • hungary 2

    hungary 2
    hungaries union with austriea is dissolved and and hungariy is free from them but just to get sucked into ussr
  • hungary3

    this date was when hungarie converted into a communist country and they helped russia during the war by giving them more soldies
  • hungarian republic 3

    hungarian republic 3
    the country of Hungary was officaly declared a republic since russia left. thus over the long run it helped them join the EU
  • hungary 5

    hungary  5
    this date russian troops left from Hungary letting the country be know as a country free from commusism
  • Czechoslovakia

    The start of the Velvet Revolution, which were mass protests against human and civil rights violations, This caused the first free elections since 1946. Also, caused the country to be renaimed the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic.
  • Czech and Slovak Federative Republic

    Czech and Slovak Federative Republic
    Velvet Divorce: The Czech and Slovak prime minister were opposed to eachers ideas on everything. With neither of them budging, they decided to split the countrys into The Czech Rupublic and Slovakia, even though the President and most of the citizens didnt want the split to occur
  • Slovakia

    New law restricting any other language to be spoken besides slovakian. People will be arrested and fined also if speaking another language in a government building. this causes Hungarians, which are the populations minority, to protest. this also caused international condemnation.
  • Czech Republic

    Czech Republic
    Most of the gypsies fled to the United Kingdon and Canada.The president urges citizens to fight racism against the gypsies. This causes the demolition of a wall in Usti nad Labem, which was built to segregate the gypsies from the rest.
  • Czech Republic

    Czech Republic
    Austria threatens to block E.U. membership because of the start up of a nuclear power plant on the border between the two countries. This causes both governments to implement new laws, improve safety and monitor the impact on society
  • Slovakia

    New welfare reforms cut benifits for children and leave over 500,000 gypsies jobless and on the street. This causes the citizens to riot, and break into markets to steel food. Many people try to flee the country into the Czech replublic, making the Czech military increase boarder patrol.
  • Hungary EU 6

    Hungary EU 6
    When Hungary became a republic in 1956 it opened up a way for Hungary to become part of the EU.