Virtual Reality

  • The start of virtual reality

    The start of virtual reality
    This was the start of virtual reality, twin mirrors were used to create one, singular image. That eventually was turned into the view master. It was not called virtual reality back then.
  • 1956

    In 1956 technologists started to develop simulated environments. Which developed into Sensorama created by Morton Heilig. He wanted people to feel they were in the movie in a real city environment. In this you rode a motorcycle through a city. In this you could feel the vibrations of the engine, and even smell the exhaust.
  • 1960

    A man named Heilig created a head mounted display device, they called it; the Telesphere Mask. many inventors would build upon his work in the future.
  • 1965

    Another inventor by the name of Ivan Sutherland, offered "the Ultimate Display" and said that it would be a window to the virtual world.
  • 1968

    This is when Ivan Sutherland and his student Bob Sproull mad the first ever Virtual Reality game; Sword of Damocles.
  • 1970s and 1980s

    1970s and 1980s
    At this time virtual reality began to develop to were you could move around in a virtual play space.
  • 1980s

    This is when they actually started using the term Virtual-Reality.
  • Today

    Now today, Virtual Reality has developed to a piece of technology that can adjust to any size for any person. and now there are multiple games and experiences you can play on virtual reality, and even some online.