1800 BCE
Judaism is one of the worlds oldest religions and is a monotheistic religion. It shares core beliefs and traditions with both Islam and Christianity. Judaism has over 14 million followers today and was founded by Abraham and Moses in 1800 BCE. The followers of the religion practice circumcision at birth, bar mitzvah at adulthood, observing Sabbath, wearing a tallit and tefilin, and they have prayer services. The texts of Judaism include the Hebrew Bible and the Talmud. It was founded in Israel. -
1300 BCE
Poetry has existed for thousands of years and appears as early as 20th century B.C. The Epic of Gilgamesh is often said to be the first ever poem written. Poetry is one of the few forms of literature that is hard to find its date of origin. The Iliad and the Odyssey is one of the most recognized works of epic poetry. Sonnets are a very popular form of poetry and are written in iambic pentameter and the rhyme scheme depends on the form of poetry you are looking at such as English or Italian. -
Period: 600 BCE to
Western Philosophy
Western philosophy was the way people and cultures in the western world thought. It was influenced by Jewish, Christian, and Islamic philosophy. It was also influenced by Western religion, science, mathematics, and politics. Western societies main goal is to prove and find the truth. Western philosophy can be organized into four categories. This way its broken down is by branch/ doctrine, historical period, movement/school, and by individual philosophers. -
422 BCE
Puppetry is a very old form of art that dates back all the way to ancient times. Puppets most likely originated in Egyptian culture. Many different types of puppetry have been created all over the world and many types are still practiced today. It dates back all the way to ancient Greek writing. Some of the types of puppets include the human arm puppet, two man puppet, marotte, and also shadow poetry. It is also believed that puppets were used as actors before humans started acting in plays. -
Period: 256 BCE to
Eastern Philosophy
Eastern Philosophy is derived from various Asian philosophies and sometimes includes Middle Eastern philosophy. The distinction between Eastern and Western philosophies can be misleading and arbitrary. Eastern societies accept how the truth is given in order to find the proper balance. People in the East believe in putting a strong emphasis on social responsibility. The philosophies include Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Korean, Persian, Arabic,Babylonian, and Jewish. -
Jan 1, 622
Islam is a religion that involves only one God and is based on Prophet Mohammad's revelation. Its the second largest religion in the world with an estimated 1.6 billion followers. The major branches of Islam are Sunni, Shi'a, and Sufism. The texts that the religion uses includes the Qur'an which is known as the sacred text and Hadith which is the traditional text. The God of Islam is know as Allah. The five pillars that Islam followers practice are Faith, Prayer, Alms, Pilgrimage and Fasting. -
Jan 1, 1500
Ballads originated in European culture and were sometimes done alongside instruments. The subject of ballads are usually love, tragedy, religion, and so on. They were originally passed along orally through plays and recitation. Ballads are usually plot driven that involve one or more characters. They usually show the reader what's happening and its usually described in a trail of events. Ballads are usually created in quatrain stanzas. The authors were sometimes called pot poets. -
Period: to
The Enlightenment was when European politics, philosophy,science, and communications were changed radically. It lasted from 1685- 1815 and was also called The Age of Reason. During the Enlightenment new books, inventions, wars, and many other things were created. The American and French Revolutions where directly influenced by the ideas of this movement. The three parts of the Enlightenment included the Early, High, and the Late Enlightenment and Beyond. Enlightenment gave way to Romanticism. -
History of Magic
Magic is the art of entertaining an audience through illusions that amaze. The categories of illusion include production, vanish, transformation, restoration, teleportation, levitation, penetration, and secrecy. The three main types of magic are Close-up, platform, and stage magic. Much of todays modern magic was originated from Houdini who opened a magic theatre in the 1840's in Paris. The people who practice these acts are called magicians, conjurors, illusionists and prestidigitators. -
Spanish American War
The Spanish-American War was between the United States and Spain and started on April 21, 1898. The war resulted in the United States claiming the Western Pacific and Latin American territories. The war originally started because Cuba was trying to get independence from Spain. The war was practically one sided because Spain's army and navy was not ready for a distant war with the United States. After the war the Treaty of Paris was signed to give Cuba its independence back from Spain in 1898. -
The Old Guitarist
The painting was created in 1903 right after one of Picasso's close friends committed suicide. The canvas of this work is oil on panel. The painting shows a very sad and sorrowful man playing a guitar who is wearing worn out clothes. The dark and gloomy colors really bring out the sadness in the picture. The mans limbs look cramped up and elongated so you can tell he's an older man. This painting is reminiscent of the works of the popular 16 century artist El Greco. -
Action Picture Trial Proof 375- Andy Warhol
This visual art painting by Andy Warhol was created in 1986. The medium is Screenprint on Lenox Museum board. The size of the painting is 36" x 36". This work depicts the American West by showing Indians charging and trying to shoot at a cowboy. This painting shows how most people viewed the American West during that time. Warhol outlined the men in pink and black with red, yellow and blue in order to give the work a western theme. The colorful accents make the characters look to be moving quick