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Virginia Wolf

  • Birth

    She was born in London.
  • Death of his mother and beginning of his depression

    Death of his mother and beginning of his depression
    Because of the sudden death of his mother she had his first depression
  • Foundation of Hogarth Press

    Foundation of Hogarth Press
    She founded the publishing house with his husband.
  • Publishment of the book "Mrs Dalloway"

    Publishment of the book "Mrs Dalloway"
    This book was her fourth novel, the book talks about a normal day in England after he First world war
  • Publishment of the book "To the lighthouse"

    Publishment of the book "To the lighthouse"
    The story of this book talks about the Ramsay family and their visit to the Skye island
  • Publishment of the book "Orlando: A biography"

    Publishment of the book "Orlando: A biography"
    It talks about the life of the girlfriend of Woolf.
  • Publishment of the book "The waves"

    Publishment of the book "The waves"
    It talks about a group of friends who reflect about the life.
  • Death

    She commited suicide on Lewes. She got in to a river and drowned.
  • Death of his father.

    Death of his father.
    His father die of cancer, because of this Virginia suffer an attack and was hospitalized.