
Virginia Timeline

  • First permanent English settlement Jamestown

    First permanent English settlement Jamestown
    New settlers arrived in 1607 and eventually settled Virginia's first colony at Jamestown. The venture was full of hardship, but the settlers persevered.
  • They had a successful crop

    They had a successful crop
    Sir John Rolfe had brought tobacco seeds to Virginia from Bermuda and the settlers found that the crop grow well in Virginia.
  • John Rolfe and Pocahontas married

    John Rolfe and Pocahontas married
    Pocahontas captured and was brought to Jamestown.
  • The Pilgrims come

    The Pilgrims come
    The Plymouth Company sent their first group of settlers to Virginia. They traveled on the Mayflower.
  • Virginia is reduced

    Virginia is reduced
    King James downsized the Virginia Colony by breaking its land into different colonies, including the Maryland Colony and the Province of Carolina.
  • Power shifts

    Power shifts
    The Virginia Colony fell under the leadership of a Puritan Commonwealth governor, Oliver Cromwell.
  • The government shifts again

    The government shifts again
    The Virginia Colony's governing board shifted back to the leadership of the English crown.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Colonists revolted (Bacon's Rebellion); capitol building and Jamestown settlement burned; Bacon died, supporters hung.
  • A Colonial University

    A Colonial University
    The College of William and Mary was established in 1693. It is the second oldest college in America, preceded only by Harvard University.
  • The Colonial Capital

    The Colonial Capital
    Williamsburg, Virginia, became the Colonial Capital in Virginia.
  • Birth of George Washington

    Birth of George Washington
    Was born in West more land County on February 22, 1732.First President.
  • Williamsburg was destroyed by fire capitol

    Williamsburg was destroyed by fire capitol
    Virginia’s legislators met at the Wren Building at William and Mary Collage.
  • Fifth State House

    Fifth State House
    Fifth State House, First Williamsburg Capitol. This brick capitol was in the form of an H.
  • Birth of James Madison

    Birth of James Madison
    Born in Virginia, 5-foot, 4-inches, also the shortest President.The oldest of 12 children, Madison was raised on the family plantation, Montpelier, in Orange County, Virginia
  • French and Indian war started

    French and Indian war started
    General George Washington led militia into battle. Also know as the 7 years wars.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Required colonists to buy stamps for papers, Patrick Henry spoke against Act.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Virginian Thomas Jefferson wrote Declaration of Independence.
  • 10th state

    10th state
    Virginia became 10th U. S. state.They where after Delaware,Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia , Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland

    South Carolina, New Hampshire.
  • Statute of Religious Freedom passed

    Statute of Religious Freedom passed
    Virginians right to choose religion, church.Written by Thomas Jefferson and passed by the Virginia General Assembly on January 16, 1786, it is the forerunner of the first amendment protections for religious freedom.
  • George Washington President

    George Washington President
    First President, born in Virginia,Hight 6'2.'. Independent politician was his party.
  • Thomas Jefferson Presidenet

    Thomas Jefferson Presidenet
    Third President born in Virginia.Thomas was their third child and eldest son; he had six sisters and one surviving brother.
  • James Madison President

    James Madison President
    Fourth President "Father of the Constitution".was an American political theorist and statesman, who served as the fourth President of the United States from 1809 to 1817.
  • Nat Turner slave rebellion

    Nat Turner slave rebellion
    Led by Nat Turner, rebel slaves killed from 55 to 65 people, the highest number of fatalities caused by any slave uprising in the Southern United States.
  • Cavalry clash at Fairfax Court House

    Cavalry clash at Fairfax Court House
    First Confederate officer killed.First land engagements of the American Civil War.
  • Second battle of Manassas

    Second battle of Manassas
    Battle of Chantilly, in Prince William County,part of the American Civil War.
  • Virginia's Constitution public schools

    Virginia's Constitution public schools
    First public law on school separating race. Free public elementary and secondary schools for all children of school age throughout the Commonwealth
  • Capitol building collapsed

    Capitol building collapsed
    Above chamber of House of Delegates 62 killed, 251 injured.
  • Virginia writer

    Virginia writer
    Poet Ellen Glasgow, deaf, wrote poetry, essays, and short stories.
  • Coal Discovered

    Coal Discovered
    In Southwestern Virginia they found coal .It brought in alot of people that wanted coal.
  • APVA

    APVA means,Association for the Preservation of Virginia's Antiquities.