Sunrise from the deck

Virginia: Important Events

By morgens
  • Pocahontas' Birthday

    Pocahontas' Birthday
    Pocahontas was born sometime in this year.
  • Period: to

    Pocahontas' birthday

    Pocahontas was born sometime in this year. No one is sure exactly when.
  • Peanuts

    Peanuts were brought to Virginia.
  • Period: to


    Peanuts were brought to Virginia.
  • Colonists

    English colonists arrive.
  • Period: to


    English colonists arrive
  • Jamestown becomes royalty.

    Jamestown becomes royalty.
    Jamestown became a royal colony.
  • Period: to

    Jamestown becomes royalty.

    Jamestown became a royal colony.
  • General Assembly Meets

    General Assembly Meets
    The General Assembly met at the capital for the first time.
  • Period: to

    General Assembly Meets

    The General Assembly met at the capital for the first time.
  • The British Surrendered

    The British Surrendered
    The British surrendered to George Washington in Yorktown.
  • Period: to

    The British Surrendered

    The British surrendered to George Washington in Yorktown.
  • Virginia's Statehood

    Virginia's Statehood
    Virginia was the 10th state.
  • Richmond becomes Capital

    Richmond becomes Capital
    Richmond became the Capital.
  • Period: to

    Richmond becomes Capital

    Richmond becomes the capital.
  • Pentagon Crash

    Pentagon Crash
    Terrorists killed 125 people by crashing a plane into the Pentagon.
  • Jamestown Anniversary

    Jamestown Anniversary
    Jamestown turned 400.
  • Period: to

    Jamestown Anniversary

    400th anniversary of Jamestown