
By ajalenw
  • virgina

    I 1587 100 men women children leaded john white
  • jamestown

    the settlement of Jamestown was on a swamp
    the gentlemen refused to work
    the winter was really really bad
    the native ameicans was not friendly
    john smith emerged said no work no food
    1607 people left but people came
  • plymouth colony

    plymouth colony
    was settled by pilgrims
    they did not have any meat to eat half of the settlers died
  • new hampshire

    new hampshire
    settled by david Thomas
    found fishing
    becam an colony I 1679
  • new york

    settle by the duth In 1624
  • maryland

    it was settled by lord Baltimore
    he was an catholic
  • rhobe island

    rhobe island
    settled by roger Williams and his supporter
    he was kicked fro Massachusetts bay colony
    talk bad to england
  • connectic

    was the first written condtutio I north America
    citizen was based on land ownership no religious
  • delaware

    settled by new Sweden company
    In 1638
  • new jersey

    new jersey
    new jersey was part of new NETHERLAND
  • carolina

    settled by king Charles 2
    gave 8 supporters land I the carolnas
  • pennsylvania

    I 1681 king charles2 granted William pen
  • georgia

    settled by gernal james
    to be a debtor colony
  • vermont

    was admitted to the united states is the 14 state
    declared independence from great britian
  • maine

    remained apart of massahusetts
    it became the 23 state