Violence And The Civil Rights Movement

  • Emmett Till Killing

    Emmett Till Killing
    Description: Emmtt till was murdered just for speaking to a white woman that was walkind down the street. How this event is impacted to african americans that the media saw how the white people killld a little boy and also they seen how crazy the people was.
  • Period: to

    Violence And The Civil Rights Movement

    This is the time span of how these event happend.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Description: President Eisenhower Ordered Federal Troops to enforce school desegration of a hish school for the little rock nine. and they nine gets troop escroted to and from school. How this is important to african americans this is very important to Becuase this is what helped us get a good eduction and this also a start of a eduction movement.
  • Mack Charles Parker To Jail

    Mack Charles Parker To Jail
    Description: Mark was accused of raping a white woman. When he was arrested, a Mississippi state trooper offered the woman's husband a pistol to shoot Parker. How this is important to african americans is that this showed how mean white people trated black people. Also this showed how the cops was wrong for what they did and for what happend.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Description: Freedom Riders were blacks and whites that traveled by a greyhond bus to confront segregation in the South and they had certin states they had to hit. How this is important to african americans is becuase people was fighting for desegregation in the South.
  • William Lewis Moore Killed

    William Lewis Moore Killed
    Description: William Lewis Moore was murdered on his final protest. he was shoot down and killed. How this is important to african americans is becuase one of are helpers was killed. he played a vatil part in the Civil Right s Movement
  • Dogs And Fire Hoses On Kids

    Dogs And Fire Hoses On Kids
    Description: Children was being blasted by high-pressure fire hoses.And clubbed by police officers and they got attacked by police dogs. Tis was all caught on appeared on television and in newspapers saw what was going on and they was aware of what was going on now. How this is important to african americans is a big in are history why is because they really took a big part of are kids away back then when this happed.
  • Medgar Evans Killed

    Medgar Evans Killed
    Description: In the driveway outside his home in Jackson Mississippi a great African American civil rights leader Medgar Evers is shot to death. Hw was shoot by a white supremacist. How this is important to african americans is that this shows how much people really didn't care what they did to african americans als this showed how much whites didn't like black people.
  • 16th Screet Church Bombing

    16th Screet Church Bombing
    Description: On Sunday morning of September 15, 1963 the Ku Klux Klan bombed the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama it killed four girls that was simply in sunday school. How this is important to african americans is that this showed how they KKK didn't care how old you was if they wanted to kill a African American and they wanted to prove a point to blacks.
  • Civil Rights Workers Killed and Shot

    Civil Rights Workers Killed and Shot
    Description: These men had been working on registering black voters in Mississippi during Freedom Summer and had and they gone to investigate the burning of a black church. They were arrested by the police on trumped-up charges imprisoned for several hours, and then released after dark into the hands of the Ku Klux Klan who killed them. How this is important to african americans is that this shows you how mean people was and this was very important.
  • Jimmie L. Jackson Civil Rights Leader Killed

    Jimmie L. Jackson Civil Rights Leader Killed
    Description:Jimmie was killed for trying to protect his mother and his grandmother who was being beatn by they law enforcement. How this is important to african americans is veyimportat why is becuse a young man was killed for a sincely thing for just trying to help save a love ones life.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Assassinated

    Dr. Martin Luther King Assassinated
    Description: Dr.King was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on the eveing of his speaking event he was walking out of his room and he was shoot and killed right their on the spot. How this is important to african americans is this is very important for are history.