Period: to
Civil Rights Movement
Emmit Louis Till murdered for speaking to white wome. Money, MS
Emmit Till was murdered because he was flirting with a white woman. This effected black people because it shows that African Americans weren't able to socialize in that way with whites. -
President Eisenhower orders federal troops to enforce school desegregation in Little Rock, AR
This was also known as the Little Rock Nine and basically blacks tried to desgregate schools. It effected blacks because weren't able to attend the same schools as whites and they weren't gettign equal education as whites. -
Mack Charles Parker taken from jail and lyched in Popularville, MS
Mack Charles Parker was tooken from jail and lyched because he raped a pregnant white woman. This effected African Americans because it showed how much hate whites had for blacks -
Mack Charles Parker taken from jail and lynched in Popularville, MS
Mack Charles Parker was tooken from jail and lynched because he raped a pregnant white woman. This effected African Americans because it showed how much hate whites had for blacks -
Freedom Riders attacked in Alabama
The freedom riders was attacked in Alabama while testing the compliance with bus desegregation laws. It was important because it got the civil rights movement more attention becuase it showed how white treated blacks. -
William Lewis Moore slain during one-man march against segregation
He was killed while marching by his self. This showed that black should march as a unit instead of by their self. -
Birmingham Police Attack
Birmingham police attack marching children with dogs and fire hoses. This effected African Americans because it showed that the police didn' t have no remorse for no one. -
Medgar Evers Assassinated
Medgar Evers was a civil rights leader assassinated in Jackson, Mississippi. This effect the African Americans because he played a part in the movement. -
The bombing of the 16th street Baptist
Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley die in the bombing of the 16th street Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL. -
Jimmie Lee Jackson's Murder
Jimmie Lee was killed by state troopers while marching. This effected African American because he was marching for what he believed in and he still was killed. -
Dr. Martin Luther King's Assination
Dr. King was murdered in Memphis, Tennesse on the boncony of his motel room. This effected African Americans because he was the leader of the civil rights movement and his death took a huge toll on blacks.