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Violence and the Civil Right Movement

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    Civil Rights Movement

  • Emmett Louis Till

    Emmett Louis Till
    Emmett Louis Till was an African American who was murdered in Mississippi because he was dared to say "Bye Baby" to a white women.
  • The Little Rock Nine

    The Little Rock Nine
    President Eisenhower order 1,100 federal troops to little Rock Central to enforce school desegregation for the whole school year.
  • Mack Charles Parker

    Mack Charles  Parker
    Mack Charles Parker was an African American was accused of kidnapping and raping a white women. He was taken from jail and lynched.
  • The Freedom Riders

    The Freedom Riders
    the Freedom Riders were a group of blacks and white who rode the bus into segregated Southern States. The Freedom Riders were attacked by 8 kkk members in Alabama.
  • Williams Lewis Moore

    Williams Lewis Moore
    Williams Lewis Moore was a member who staged lone protests against racial segregation. He was murdered on his final protest.
  • Ruiend March

    Ruiend March
    Children were used to protest because King thought it was necessary. Birmingham police attacked the children with dogs and fire hoses. Parents had fought back with bottles and rocks.
  • Medgar Wiley Evers

    Medgar Wiley Evers
    Medgar Wiley Evers was an African-American civil rights activist from Mississippi involved in efforts to overturn segregation at the University of Mississippi, but he was assassinated on June 12, 1963 by Jackson.
  • 16th Street Church Incident

    16th Street Church Incident
    The four girls named Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Denise McNair, and Carole Robertson were heading down to the basement when the bomb went off in September 15, 1963. the bomb was cause by the KKK.
  • Civil right activist kidnaped

    Civil right activist kidnaped
    James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schemer civil right activist was kidnaped by the KKK and killed in Philadelphia.
  • Jimmie Lee

    Jimmie Lee
    Jimmie Lee was a 20 year old African American was shot in the stomach for protecting his mother from state trooper beating. Jimmie Lee Jackson a civil rights marcher who was killed by a state trooper.
  • Voice of African American

    Voice of African American
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the voice of African American. Dr. King Jr. was assassinated in Tennessee.