The Murder of Emmett Till
Emmett Till was an 14 year old boy who was visiting family in Money,Mississippi when he was dared to say "bye baby" to white store owner. She told her husband and him and his brother went to find Emmett Till in the middle of the night they tortured him beat him and then shot him in the head. This event was important to African Americans because thats was the last straw for them and they was fed up and knew they were going to get rights after that. -
Eisenhower desegregated schools
Known as Little Rock Nine was when a racial segregated school called Little Rock Central High School had all caucasians kids in there until president EisenHower issued that all schools be desegrated. Therefore a group of African American students had to be escorted into the school by troops inside the school so that no one gets hurts. This is important to African Americans because it was a step up from the education bing separated and now African Americans and Caucasians have an equal education. -
Taken from Jail and Murdered
Mack Charles Parker was an African American man who was accused of raping a pregnant white women in Peral Rover County, Mississippi. Just days beofre he went on trial he was taken from his jail cell by a mob who beaten and shot him. His body was later found in the pearl river. It was important to African Americans because they realized they had to find a way to get equal right so justice can be done . -
Freedom Riders face Trouble
Freedom Riders were a bus full of mixed racd people who went rom states to state to test integration. While they were in alabama the KKK had a deal with police chiefs Connor and Cook that they had 15 minutues to attack te passengers on the bus. The KKK memebers held the door shut and firebombed the bus , no one on the bus was hurt. This is important to African Americans because they took chances to show the world that they can work together with different races. -
The Death of William Lewis Moore
William Moore was a caucasian memeber of Congress of Racial Equality (core). He made protest about racial segregation. On April 23,1963 he was doing one of his protest march and was marching to give a letter to Governor Ross Barnett urging him to accept integration. He was interviewed then later found dead on the road. This is important to African Americians because caucasians were killing their own kinf to make sure African Americans didn;t get rights , therfore they had to work harder. -
Police Attack Innocent Children
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference used school children to protest,while Martin Luter King jr and other people thought it was dangerous but also needed. Connor was angry about the protest so he made the firefighters use their hoses to spary water on the childern that ripped they skin off. While the police used their nightsticks and beat the young children. This is important to African Americans because it made people see that they weren't violent and only wanted rights but was attacked -
Medgar Evars Killed
Medgar Evars was an African American civil rights activist who was murdered when walking in to his home carrying t-shirs that said "Jim Crow must go". A white man named Beckwith who was a memeber of White Citizens' Council was responsible for his murder. Since he was helping African Americans he had to go. This is important to African Americans because they seen that their rights was getting to the people thats why more and more of their own people getting killed. -
16th Street Church Incident
Four Young girls named Addie Mae Collins, Carole Robertson, Cynthia wesley who were all 14 and a 11 year old named Denise Mcnai were on they way down to the basement of the church when a bomb went off killing all four of them and injuring 22 others. This is important to African Americans because they really are getting fed up and will fight for their rights since they bomb a church killing innocent children. -
Mississippi Burning (MIBURN)
In Philadelphia, Mississippi,three Civil Rights workers known as James Chaney,, Andrew Goomdna and Michael Schwerner were lynced by KKK members while working for a campaiggistern to help register African Americans to vote. Their death caused an outrage of people getting angry. This is important to African Americans becausbecause it passed the civil rights acts of 1964 and the voting rights of 1965. -
Jimmie Lee Jackson
Jimmie Lee Jackson was a civil rights protestors who was killed by a State Tropper in Alabama named James Fowler. When him and his family ran inside a cafe trying to escape the troopers. Jimmie Lee Jackson tried to protect him mother from getting beat. The tropper threw him up against a cigarrette machine while one tropper beat him then the other shot him twice in the stomach.This is important to African Americans because they see how they are able to get justice now. -
MLK Assassinated
Dr, Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most popular african americans for civil rights.But in memphis, Tennessee in Lorraine Motel he was shot and killedwhile standing on the motel's balcony. James Earl Ray was charged with killing Dr. King. This is important to African Americans because Martin Luther King was one of the people African americans looked up too and thanked him for getting them rights. After he died they had to live on with his dream.