Vineyard Movement timeline

  • The first Vineyard

    The first Vineyard
    The church community would come together in several states. These states consisted of Northwest Columbus and Worthington. Kenn Gulliksen a leader and musical artist, started a church in West LA in 1974. As he started the church in West La, it would be referred to as "Vineyard church." The church in LA would be known a the first Vineyard.
  • The Birth of a movement

    In the '80s, Vineyard founded seven churches in various locations. They traveled around the world to various countries like England, China, Sweden, Mexico, and Germany. They would go to these countries to share their values of intimate worship, compassion, mercy, building friendships, and devotion to Jesus Christ.
  • John Wimber's Association with Vineyard

    John Wimber's Association with Vineyard
    John Wimber became a part of the Calvary Chapel and a journey with God. John would eventually become the leader of the Vineyard churches. Due to Gulliksen turning over the churches to Wimber. Using his position of leadership to impact the lives of thousands.
  • The Vineyards changes

    John Wimber shaped the theology and practice of the Vineyard churches. Helped get the churches moved to suburban neighborhoods, for God to position the churches amid great needs. Various churches would still travel to different countries.
  • The passing of John Wimber

    In 1997, John Wimber died from a brain aneurysm. The members of Vineyard weren't concerned and knew he went to be with the lord. His death left an impact on evangelicalism and pioneered evangelicals to the supernatural. Became a significant influence from leaders all around the world.
  • The Movement after John Wimber's death

    The Vineyard continued to establish more churches, hold more conferences, take care of the injured, feed the needy, and go around the world to help people. Continued in the work of the Lord. Members of the movement have gone through many challenges and opportunities to represent Jesus to the community.
  • The new direction of the Vineyard movement

    Vineyard has helped new members serve Jesus. Baptized the next generation and raise them in the Lord. Have Seen parents and kids be happy.
  • Vineyards transition

    Vineyards transition
    Founding Pastor, Bill Dwyer retired and in January 2020, Jimmy Reyes became the new Pastor. He planned to encourage the members to the same God who helped build the Vineyard church will care for it. Wants members of Vineyard to toward the future.
  • Vineyards purpose

    The members of Vineyard have a current purpose of representing God by becoming a community to lead unity and diversity. To become one body that is composed of multiple generations, different ethnicities, and political views. Become an example for the world to look up to.
  • The current existence of the Vineyard movement

    The current existence of the Vineyard movement
    Still, to this today, the Vineyard movement exists. They still hold on to John Wimber's legacy and continue to pursue what he stood for in the movement. Over time, the Vineyard movement has established over 2400 churches worldwide. The members still follow the core values and beliefs. Which is maintaining Historical and Biblical orthodoxy. "To embrace the authority of the Scriptures and the activity of the Spirit."