
Vincent Van Gogh's achievements

  • Date of birth

    Date of birth
    Vincent Van Gogh is born in Groot-Zundert, Netherlands
  • Period: to


    Vincent is sent to boarding Jan Provily's school in Zevenbergen. No other school has worked for him. His introspective character was keeping him away from the other kids and he was finding himself taking long walks whilst thinking.
  • The Hague

    The Hague
    Van Gogh is employed by the Hague gallery
  • Paris

    Vincent made his first visit to Paris in May 1873. He spent a few days in the city, visiting museums and the headquarters of his employers, the international art dealers Goupil & Cie. He then left for England to work in the firm’s London branch.
  • London

    Van Gogh is transferred to London. He didn't like the idea of leaving the Hague and his loved ones there but once he arrived to London he started to love the English way of living, amd years later he got engaged with this place. Though, his paintings weren't so interesting in London compare to the Hague.
  • Transferred to Paris

    Transferred to Paris
    Van Gogh is transferred to Paris where he became friends with the Englishman Harry Gladwell, who lived in the same apartment
  • Period: to


    Van Gogh begins devoting his life to the evangelization of the poor in the town of Borinage, Belguim. Vincent had become increasingly fanatical about religion, and he read the Bible aloud to Gladwell and roamed from church to church on Sundays, attending services across Paris from early morning until evening. He and Gladwell also made weekly visits to museums such as the Louvre and Musée du Luxembourg.
  • Period: to

    Skills of an artist

    Van Gogh relocates to Brussels and begins learning the skills needed to become an artist
  • Potato eaters -completion

    Potato eaters -completion
    The painting that was completed consisted of 5 figures sitting around a square table eating potatoes; four of them are females and one male. Although the piece is laced in darkness, the mixed emotions residing in the faces of the occupants shine out brightly. These figures are so intense that one can nearly hear the conversations being spoken around the table. Perhaps this vibrancy layered with the darkness is what draws one closer to examine the smaller details of the painting.
  • Moving to Paris by desire

    Moving to Paris by desire
    Van Gogh moves to Paris and discovers impressionism and post impressionism
  • Self portrait with straw hat -completion

    Self portrait with straw hat -completion
    Summer of 1887
  • Arles, Paris

    Arles, Paris
    Van Gogh moves to Arles to create a school of art
  • Sunflower pieces

    Sunflower pieces
    Van Gogh paints the famous sunflower pieces and begins suffering from mental problems
  • Starry Night Over The Rhone -completion

    Starry Night Over The Rhone -completion
    "The starry sky painted by night, actually under a gas jet. The sky is aquamarine, the water is royal blue, the ground is mauve. The town is blue and purple. The gas is yellow and the reflections are russet gold descending down to green-bronze. On the aquamarine field of the sky the Great Bear is a sparkling green and pink, whose discreet paleness contrasts with the brutal gold of the gas. Two colourful figurines of lovers in the foreground."
  • The Café Terrace -completion

    The Café Terrace -completion
    Completion of the café terrace on the place du Forum, Arles, at night
  • Vincent's bedroom in Arles -completion

    Vincent's bedroom in Arles -completion
  • Cutted ear

    Cutted ear
    The end of his relationship with Gauguin made Van Gogh attempted to drive his friend away, by being loud and offended him with every opportunity. The relationship between the two weakened after Van Gogh’s outbreaks. He threw a glass of absinthe on Gauguin while they were in a cafe, then attacked him with a razor while they were in the workshop. Exasperated, Gauguin notified Theo that he had enough and wanted to leave. Later, Van Gogh, in a bout of nerves, cut his ear...
  • End of his friendship with Gauguin

    End of his friendship with Gauguin
    The friendship between the two finally ended, and Gauguin refused to have anything to do with a “crazy person.” While working at the same workshop in Arles, the two easily influenced each other. Subsequently, each quickly returned to their old style: Van Gogh painted outdoors in spontaneity, and Gauguin’s work became extensively studied.
    °°also see "cutted ear" for more details°°
  • Irises -completion

    Irises -completion
    "Irises" held the record for the most expensive artwork 1987 when it sold for $53.9 million USD, which would be around $100 million in the current economy. The painting was among nearly 130 artworks Van Gogh completed during his stay in a mental institution at Saint-Remy the year prior to his death. It was the first painting Van Gogh started after arriving at the asylum. The flowers were growing in a garden in the small outdoor area where the artist was allowed to stroll and sit.
  • Starry night -completion

    Starry night -completion
    Vincent van Gogh painted Starry Night during his stay at the asylum of Saint-Paul-de-Mausole. Van Gogh lived well in the hospital; he was allowed more freedoms than any of the other patients. If attended, he could leave the hospital grounds; he was allowed to paint, read, and withdraw into his own room. He was even given a studio. While he suffered from the occasional relapse into paranoia and fits- officially he had been diagnosed with epileptic fits...
  • Almond blossom -completion

    Almond blossom -completion
    It was painted immediately before one of his attacks; "My work was going well," he informed his brother, "the last canvas of branches in blossom - you will see that it is perhaps the best, the most patiently worked thing I had done, painted with calm and with greater firmness of touch. And the next day, down like a brute." Poised between lucidity and desperation, this lacework of light and color is kept aloft by the confidence Van Gogh had acquired in the previous two or three years.
  • Vincent leaves Saint Rémy

    Vincent leaves Saint Rémy
    Van Gogh leaves Saint Rémy and begins contacting his brother Teo
  • Vincent leaves the asylum

    Vincent leaves the asylum
    In May 1890 Vincent leaves the asylum to begin care in Auvers-sur-Oise under Dr. Paul Gachet, who was recommended by Camille Pissaro
  • The Red Vineyard- sold in early 1890

    The Red Vineyard- sold in early 1890
    Vincent sold his first painting to the Parisian paint and art dealer Julien Tanguy, and his brother Theo successfully sold another work to a gallery in London. The Red Vineyard, which Vincent painted in 1888, was bought by Anna Boch, the sister of Vincent’s friend Eugène Boch. Van Gogh often traded work with other artists – in his younger years, often in exchange for some food or drawing and painting supplies. In this sense, Vincent actually ‘sold’ quite a lot of work during his lifetime.
  • Date of death

    Date of death
    Vincent Van Gogh dies of a self-inflicted gunshot. He was buried on July 30 at Auvers-sur-Oise