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Vietnam War Timeline for Tanisha Cephas

  • Students Burn Draft Cards

    Students Burn Draft Cards
    When a thousand students gather in New York to protest agaisnt the Vietnam War. Twelve of them burned thier selective service member cards as a symbolic gesture of opppostion of war.
  • North Vietnam Complains

    North Vietnam Complains
    North Vietnamese officials in Hanoi made a formal complaint with a commission created the Geneva Accords, which declared that since the area was protected of American destroyers which were naval ships during that period,could be successful.
  • Viet Cong Attack Pleiku

    Viet Cong Attack Pleiku
    Vitetb Cong attack a U.S. Air Force base at Pleiku, South Vietnam, and it killed eight Americans and wounded overone hunderd.
  • POW’s Mobbed in Hanoi

    POW’s Mobbed in Hanoi
    The POW U.S. prisoners of war are brought through the roads of Hanoi. Then they were later attacked by mobs in the same city of Hanoi.
  • King Demonstrates Against War

    King Demonstrates Against War
    Martin Luther King, Jr. leads over 1000 demonstrators to the United Nations building in New York, where he gives a speech in which was ment to contridicts the U.S. foreign policy in Vietnam.
  • March on the Pentagon

    March on the Pentagon
    This event occured when thousands of people marched to the Pentagon to protest against the war in Vietnam.They were overmost successful and they made a hudge differnece
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Viet Cong forces suprised the U.S. troops with a wave of attacks supported by North Vietnamese troops in which they lost 37,000 fighters. However, it is also a serious loss the United States, which loses 2,500 men.
  • Nixon Promises More Troops Home

    Nixon Promises More Troops Home
    President Nixon who became presdidett directly afterLBJ. Later makes a promisie to bring home 50,000 troops from Vietnam by April of 1970.
  • The Pentagon Papers

    The Pentagon Papers
    The New York Times begins publishing portions of the "Pentagon Papers." It contains top-secret information collected by the Department of Defense about U.S. military and politicl connection in Vietnam from the years 1945 to 1967.
  • Vietnam Ceasefire Signed

    Vietnam Ceasefire Signed
    Representatives from both South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the United States signed a peace treaty in which a ceasefire is declared, the U.S. agrees to withdraw combat troops for the war.