SDS founded
The Students for a Democratic Society was a student activist movement. That was one of the main representations of the New Left. It influences direct action, gay rights, abortion and other issues -
Tet Offensive
A series of attacks on over 100 towns in South Vietnam by the Vietcong. It was during the biggest holliday in the country called Tet. Although The cities were recoquered by the US and South Vietnam, but the North had a high morale. -
My Lai massacre
347- 504 Vietnemese civilians were killed by American soldiers as they searched for Vietcong members. The attack outraged Americans. -
A policy of the Richard Nixon administration in order to end US involvement in the Vietnam war by training south Vietnamese troops and slowly taking US soldiers out of Vietnam -
Cambodia invasion
The US soldiers were to invade Cambodia to disrupt Vietcong supply lines and bomb cities. US citizens were not informed of this until years later. -
Kent State massacre
Students at Kent State university were protesting the Vietnam war. They were destroying property and burning buildings. 4 students were shot and killed by police. -
Fall of Saigon
The Vietcong army captured the city of Saigon. Almost all US service members were evacuated and the city was renamed by North Vietnam. The north had control of the city. -
SDS founded
The Students for a Democratic Society was a student activist movement. That was one of the main representations of the New Left. It influences direct action, gay rights, abortion and other issues -
SDS founded
The Students for a Democratic Society was a student activist movement. That was one of the main representations of the New Left. It influences direct action, gay rights, abortion and other issues