Vietnam War timeline

  • Einsenhower explains his "Domino Theory"

    Einsenhower explains his "Domino Theory"
    Eisenhower explains it as if Vietnam looses to communism these are the consequences.Neighbor countries in the Southeast Asia will eventually fall to communism as well. Eisenhower's explanation was named the "Domino Theory" it was a form of strategy to contain the spread of communism around the world.
  • Dien Bien Phu is overrun by the Vietminh

    Dien Bien Phu is overrun by the Vietminh
    French forces took over the Dien Bien Phu Valley, Vo Nguyen Glop placed heavy weapons in caves surrounding the french camp and eventually getting rid of the french and overran the base. Forcing the french to end with the Geneva Accords of 1954 signing.
  • Geneva Accords signed

    Geneva Accords signed
    Conference in Geneva,Switzerland to try to solve the fight between the French and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and other countries,part of the agreements they signed was that the French had to take away their troops from north of Vietnam and to be divided into the 17th parallel.
  • Viet Cong begin attacks on the Diem government

    Viet Cong begin attacks on the Diem government
    Viet Cong slowly took over through South Vietnam making terrorism a main strategy to attack everything that gets on the way such as government, villages etc. The communist government of the North Vietnam supported the Viet Cong.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    Gave president Lyndon Johnson permission to take all measures that is necessary to protect from any armed attack and to prevent any aggressions,it was passed after two U.S boats were taken down by two naval destroyers on the coast of Vietnam.
  • American's involvement in Vietnam begins

    American's involvement in Vietnam begins
    One of the reasons of the American's involvement was the fear of communism spreading around the world so that had to be stopped, U.S had to step in into the war.
  • U.S troops levels increased to 50,000

    U.S troops levels increased to 50,000
    The monthly draft had increased from 17,000 to 35,000 was one of the highest number of troops.
  • U.S troop levels increased to 180,000

    U.S troop levels increased to 180,000
  • My Lai massacre

    My Lai massacre
    Company of American soldiers killed violently a lot of innocent woman,children and a lot of elderly that were not armed. Little girls and women were raped before killed.
  • U.S troop levels increased 500,000

    U.S troop levels increased 500,000
  • Nixon wins the presidential election

    Nixon wins the presidential election
    Nixon wins the presidential election one of the closest election of the U.S history ,Nixon won against Hubert Humphrey.
  • Woodstock Festival

    Woodstock Festival
    Woodstock Festival was a festival where a lot of people attended almost a half a million people came and the festival was free of charge. A lot of artist were there to perform such as Richie Havens, Janis Joplin, and Joe Cocker, etc. Helicopters were being use to deliver food and aid.
  • Vietnamization introduced

    Vietnamization introduced
    Nixon introduced Vietnamization, this was so that South Vietnam would take more responsibility for fighting the war.
  • Invasion of Cambodia

    Invasion of Cambodia
    Nixon announced that the U.S military troops and the South Vietnam soldiers were going to invade Cambodia because that was where the Viet Cong had their base camp.
  • Kent State shot

    Kent State shot
    College students protested against the bombing of Cambodia by the U.S military.28 guardsman fired against the students resulting to 4 killing and 9 people wounded who later suffered from permanent paralysis.