Vietnam War Timeline

  • the first U.S combat troops arrive in Vietnam

    the first U.S combat troops arrive in Vietnam
    US troops lands in vietnam. the troops took orders to join the war.
  • North Vietnamese attack two US destoryers

    North Vietnamese attack two US destoryers
    The north Vietnamsese attacked two US boats. The American ship had been going around the Tonkin Gulf watching radio and radar signals following an attack by South Vietnamese.
  • U.S soilders kill hundreds of Vietnamse civilans in the town of Mai Lai

    U.S soilders kill hundreds of Vietnamse civilans in the town of Mai Lai
    My Lai was a village of about 700 people some 100 miles to the southeast of the US base of Danang. After dawn on March 16th, three platoons of US troops from C Company.
  • U.S troops in Vietnam reaches 540,00

    U.S troops in Vietnam reaches 540,00
    our troops in Vietnam has reached 540,000 troops. America is getting worried that we will not be able to pull through this war.
  • President Nixon orders the first of many U.S troops with drawls from Vietnam

    President Nixon orders the first of many U.S troops with drawls from Vietnam
    President Nixon wanted to wthrawl over 10,000 troops back home to America. this is the third reduction since June.
  • the American public learns of the Mai Lai

    the American public learns of the Mai Lai
    On March 16, 1968, U.S, troops carried out a massacre of around 500 men, women and children in the Vietnamese village of My Lai. Early months of 1968 tracking Viet Cong’s.
  • President Nixon announces that U.S troops will attack enemy

    President Nixon announces that U.S troops will attack enemy
    This news sparks nationwide protest. this news, was a cause of the Kent University crisis. The national gaurd killed 4 protesters.
  • Pentagon papers are published in the NEW YORK TIMES

    Pentagon papers are published in the NEW YORK TIMES
    The Pentagon Papers was the name given to a secret Department of Defense. Daniel Ellsberg came to oppose the war, and decided that the information in the Pentagon Papers should be more available to the American public.
  • The last troops with drawn from Vietnam

    The last troops with drawn from Vietnam
    After two months after signing the peace agreement, we finally pulled out the the last troops. However, 7,000 residents stayed behind in south Vietnam.
  • North Vietnam launches a massive assult on South Vietnam

    North Vietnam launches a massive assult on South Vietnam
    Two North Vietnamese divisions operating out of the DMZ that separates North and South Vietnam. They launched heavy bombards toward South Vietnam.
  • South Vietnam surrenders to the communist

    South Vietnam surrenders to the communist
    The south Vietnam fell under advancement to North Vietnam. Frd was unable to convince Congress to make promises to rescue Saigon from communist takeover.