Tet Offensive
On the Buddhist holiday of Tet, the Vietcong and North Vietnamese troops launched a series of masive attacks on over 100 cities and town in South Vietnam. These attacks crushed US morale and proved that the war was not close to coming to an end. -
My Lai Massacre
US soldiers in Vietnam opened fire on hundreds of people at the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai. The US population was horrified and believed that our country was murdering innocent peasants. -
Nixon Wins US Presidential Election
Richard Nixon defeats Hubert H. Humphrey in the Presidential Election of 1968. The war in Vietnam still raged on, yet Nixon had a plan for the US's future in the war. -
Vietnamization Introduced
In November of 1969, US President Richard Nixon announced his strategy of Vietnamization to the public. The US would gradually withdraw troops from Vietnam while training and better preparing more South Vietnamese troops. -
Invasion of Cambodia
Although the US and Nixon had decided to practice the strategy of Vietnamization, where we gradually withdraw troops from Vietnam, on April 30, Nixon announced that we would temporarily invade Cambodia. -
Kent State Massacre
College students at Kent State University protested the Vietnam War. When police arrived at the campus, shots were fired and 4 students were killed, 2 of which had not even been participating in the protest. -
Fall of Saigon
On April 30, 1975, the South Vietnames e city of Saigon was taken over with little resisitance by the North Vietnamese army. THe city was renamed Ho Chi Minh City to honor their previous leader.