Vietnam War Timeline

  • First Involvment

    First Involvment
    The United States was considered involved in the war when we sent our troops to train those in South Vietnam to aid them in their figtht. This was dont by President Eisenhower. This is important because it was out first sction within this conflict and it really started it all for us.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

  • Invasion

    North Vietnam invades Laos which caught much attention as crossing the line. Later on this becomes at nutral zone. It is important because of this lands later involvment.
  • Election

    President John F. Kenedy was elected and warned by the prior Presidetn about the occurances in Vietnam and the invasion on Laos. The problem is being passed onto the next leader, hopeing for a good outcome.
  • Viet Cong

    Viet Cong
    The Viet Cong was created in order to better fight the South Vietnam Government and the US. This is important because the Viet Cong because one of the most detramental groups in the entire war.
  • Deployed and Start of War

    Deployed and Start of War
    Because of recent successful attacks, the US deploys 200,000 soliders to assist South Vietnam. Two months later when thte first American Casualty occured, many concider that the start of the war.
  • Vietnam Assasination Atempt

    Vietnam Assasination Atempt
    South Veitnamese failed to assasinate Ngo Dinh Diem. This could have been a hge oppurtunity for them to make some progress or it could have outraged a lot more civillians.
  • US Assasination Atempt

    US Assasination Atempt
    President John F. Kenedy was assasinated in Texas. While all was going on with the war now there is a sense of panic on the home ground, this was a huge determent at the time.
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    Gulf of Tonkin
    The fight on the North Vietnam coast occured useing the USS Maddox.
  • Election

    President Lyndon Johnson was elected by a landslide. Agian the problem is being passed onto another President with the hope of change.
  • Attack

    The US base in South Vietnam was attacked by The Viet Cong. This was a direct attack on the US individually allowing us more motivation.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    This lasted through November 1968 and it was the start of the in air war. Planes were still very trivially used and designed but this event began an entire new aspect of the war.
  • My Lai Incident

    My Lai Incident
    Hundreds of citizens, elderly, children and women were killed by an Aerican Platoon. This war in general is seen as being inhuman and this a big indicator of the mistakes that we made.
  • Election

    President Nixon was elected just as riots and protests about ending the war have escalated and he is forced to find a way out of the war.
  • Peace

    North and South Vietnam begin haveing peace talks in Paris. This is the begining of the end of this war.
  • Promises

    420000 soliders are deployed whild President Nixon promises to bring home 150000 doliders this year. With this anouncment and false action there begins to be a surge in riots and protest.
  • Drop Out

    Drop Out
    President Nixon resigns due to the watergate scandal. Was this war practically pointless?
  • Xua Loc

    Xua Loc
    North Vietnam wins this battle. At this point it is recgonized that South Vietnam can not go on much longer.
  • This Is The End

    This Is The End
    The capital of South Vietnam is captured but the Veitnam People's army therefore comencing the war.